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OOP Principles & Design Patterns Training

About the Training

The OOP Principles & Design Patterns Training focuses on software design patterns. It is designed for both beginners and experienced developers who want to improve their knowledge and skills in this area. The program teaches participants the fundamental principles of OOP (Object-Oriented Programming) and demonstrates how to use design patterns to make software projects more flexible, sustainable, and easy to maintain. The training combines theoretical knowledge with interactive learning methods, real-world examples, and practice-based activities, offering participants an effective learning experience.

The program is aimed at software engineers, developers, and IT professionals, providing solutions to common challenges encountered during the software development process. In addition to teaching design patterns, it covers the key concepts of OOP and object-oriented design principles. Throughout the training, participants gain critical knowledge and skills on how to be more efficient and effective at various stages of software development.

The OOP Principles & Design Patterns Training shows participants how to develop effective solutions to challenges faced in modern software development environments. The program emphasizes the importance of OOP and design patterns in software development and ensures that participants can apply these concepts to their own projects. The course provides in-depth knowledge of object-oriented programming languages and design patterns frequently used in software development.

In conclusion, this 3-day training program is designed for those looking to build a career in software development, as well as professionals at any level who want to improve their existing skills. The training equips participants with the ability to effectively use OOP and design patterns in the software development process, helping them advance in their careers. This program is a valuable resource for professionals working in the software industry, enhancing their competitiveness in the field. The training offers participants modern software development techniques and best practices, making them more proficient in this area.

What Will You Learn?

Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Programming: An in-depth look at fundamental OOP concepts such as Classes, Objects, Inheritance, Polymorphism, and Encapsulation. SOLID Principles: The SOLID principles (Single Responsibility, Open-Closed, Liskov Substitution, Interface Segregation, Dependency Inversion) and how to apply them to your code. Design Patterns: Understanding and applying commonly used design patterns, such as Singleton, Factory, Builder, Observer, and more. Advanced Topics: Advanced OOP topics like effective object management, caching, and performance optimization.


  • There are no strict prerequisites for this training. Basic programming knowledge and some experience in any programming language can help you better understand the topics.

Who Should Attend?

For beginners in software development and those looking to gain a foundational understanding in this field. For experienced developers and software engineers who want to deepen their understanding of OOP and improve their skills in utilizing design patterns. For software architects and project managers seeking to develop a deeper understanding of OOP and design patterns to ensure better software design and code quality.


Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Programming
  • Core Principles of OOP
  • Classes, Objects, and Inheritance
  • Polymorphism and Encapsulation
SOLID Principles and Basic Design Patterns
  • Single Responsibility and Open-Closed Principles
  • Liskov Substitution and Interface Segregation Principles
  • Dependency Inversion Principle
  • Singleton and Factory Design Patterns
Advanced OOP and Design Patterns
  • Builder, Observer, and Strategy Design Patterns
  • Effective Object Management
  • Performance Optimization Tips
  • This training is an intensive program designed to make participants more proficient in software design and development. Participants will learn OOP and design patterns through hands-on activities and examples, gaining the ability to contribute more effectively to real-world software projects.

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