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Network Defense Essentials Training

Siber Güvenlik Eğitimleri Certified Cybersecurity Technician (C|CT) Eğitimi

About the Training

Network Defense Essentials Eğitimi, güvenlik profesyonellerine temel ağ savunması becerilerini öğreten kapsamlı bir eğitim programıdır. Bu eğitim, günümüzün karmaşık siber tehditlerine karşı ağları koruma stratejilerini anlamak ve uygulamak için gereken bilgi ve becerileri sağlamayı hedeflemektedir. Katılımcılar, ağ güvenliği kavramlarını, ağ savunması için en iyi uygulamaları ve savunma araçlarını öğrenirler. Ayrıca, ağın zayıf noktalarını belirlemek, ağ saldırılarını tespit etmek ve yanıtlamak için güvenlik olaylarını izlemeyi öğrenirler. Network Defense Essentials Eğitimi, katılımcılara etkili bir ağ savunma stratejisi oluşturma ve uygulama yetenekleri kazandırarak, kurumlarının siber saldırılara karşı daha dirençli olmalarını sağlar.

Network Defense Essentials Eğitimi, katılımcılara siber güvenlik alanında gerekli olan temel bilgileri sunar. Ağ savunması için pratik becerilerin geliştirilmesine odaklanır. Eğitim süreci, ağ güvenliği için en önemli tehditleri anlamayı içerir. Saldırı türlerini tanımayı ve bu saldırılara karşı etkili bir şekilde savunma stratejileri geliştirmeyi kapsar.

Eğitim boyunca katılımcılar, ağ güvenliği politikalarını oluşturma ve uygulama, ağ kaynaklarını koruma, güvenlik duvarı ve ağ izleme sistemleri gibi savunma araçlarını kullanma becerilerini geliştirirler. Ayrıca, saldırgan aktiviteleri tespit etmeyi ve bu saldırılara karşı etkili bir şekilde yanıt vermeyi öğreniler. Güvenlik olaylarını izleme ve analiz etme yöntemlerini öğrenirler.

Eğitim, katılımcılara ağ güvenliği açısından kritik öneme sahip konuları ele alır. Pratik vaka çalışmaları, simülasyonlar ve canlandırmalar gibi etkileşimli öğrenme yöntemlerini kullanır. Bu sayede katılımcılar, gerçek dünya senaryolarında karşılaşabilecekleri durumları deneyimlerler. Ağ savunması becerilerini uygulamalı olarak geliştirme fırsatı bulurlar.

Sonuç olarak, bu eğitim güvenlik profesyonellerine ağ güvenliği alanında temel bilgi ve becerileri sunar. Onları ağlarını siber saldırılara karşı korumak için en iyi uygulamaları kullanma konusunda yetkin hale getirir. Bu eğitim, kurumların güvenlik savunmalarını güçlendirir. Siber tehditlere karşı daha etkili bir şekilde mücadele etmelerine yardımcı olur.

What Will You Learn?

As part of the Network Defense Essentials Training, you will have the opportunity to learn the following topics:
  • Fundamentals of Network Security: Understanding network security concepts, recognizing types of attacks, and identifying attackers’ objectives.
  • Network Defense Strategies: Developing effective network defense strategies, creating and implementing network security policies.
  • Network Defense Tools: Gaining skills in using network defense tools such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and network monitoring tools.
  • Attack Detection and Response: Developing the ability to detect malicious activities and respond to attacks quickly and effectively.
  • Identifying Network Vulnerabilities: Learning methods to identify network vulnerabilities, detect security flaws, and address them.
  • Monitoring and Analyzing Security Events: Enhancing your ability to monitor security events, perform log analysis, and gather detailed information about attacks.
  • Attack Simulations and Case Studies: Practicing real-world scenarios through attack simulations and case studies to apply practical skills.
  • Best Practices and Innovations: Keeping up with current best practices in network security, learning about innovations, and applying them.
Through this training, your knowledge and skills in network security will increase, enhancing your ability to provide more effective defense against cyberattacks.


Before participating in the Network Defense Essentials Training, it is recommended that you meet the following prerequisites:
  • Basic Computer Network Knowledge: It is important to understand the fundamental operation of computer networks and to be familiar with basic concepts such as IP addressing and network protocols.
  • Basic Security Knowledge: You are expected to be familiar with basic security concepts and security layers. Understanding fundamental security principles such as encryption, authentication, and authorization is essential.
  • Network Communication Protocols: You should have a basic understanding of the TCP/IP protocol stack. It is important to know what protocols such as IP, TCP, UDP, and ICMP are and how they function.
  • Network Security Tools: It is recommended that you familiarize yourself with and gain experience in using basic network security tools. Knowing how essential tools such as firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and network monitoring tools operate is important.
  • System Operation: You should have at least a basic level of knowledge about operating systems. A general understanding of Linux and/or Windows operating systems will be beneficial.
Meeting these prerequisites will help you maximize the benefits you gain from the Network Defense Essentials Training. If you do not fully meet these prerequisites, it is recommended that you research the relevant topics or take foundational courses to prepare in advance.

Who Should Attend?

The Network Defense Essentials Training is suitable for the following individuals:
  • Security Professionals: Security professionals working in or aiming to work in the field of cybersecurity can participate in this training to develop their fundamental knowledge and skills in network defense. This training helps security specialists strengthen their ability to protect networks from cyberattacks.
  • Network Administrators and Engineers: This training is beneficial for network administrators and engineers who want to gain knowledge on developing and implementing network security strategies. It provides the skills needed to secure network infrastructure and detect attacks.
  • IT Specialists and System Administrators: Information technology (IT) specialists and system administrators can join this training to broaden their knowledge and skills in network security. They acquire the necessary abilities to understand, detect, and effectively respond to network attacks.
  • Security Consultants: Security consultants can benefit from the Network Defense Essentials Training when offering network security strategies and solutions to clients. This training provides the essential knowledge and skills for security consultants to advise clients effectively.
  • IT Security Officers: Those working in an organization’s IT security units can join this training to improve their knowledge and experience in network security. They gain the fundamental skills needed to understand and implement network defense strategies.
The Network Defense Essentials Training is valuable for anyone who wants to gain knowledge and skills in network security. The training helps participants become better prepared against cyberattacks and assists them in making their networks more secure.


Module 01: Network Security Fundamentals Module 02: Identification, Authentication, and Authorization Module 03: Network Security Controls: Administrative Controls Module 04: Network Security Controls: Physical Controls Module 05: Network Security Controls: Technical Controls Module 06: Virtualization and Cloud Computing Module 07: Wireless Network Security Module 08: Mobile Device Security Module 09: IoT Device Security Module 10: Cryptography and the Public Key Infrastructure Module 11: Data Security Module 12: Network Traffic Monitoring

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