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Basic Level Flutter Training

About the Training

The “Basic Level Flutter Training” is a training program based on the fundamentals of Flutter. This program is an ideal starting point for those new to cross-platform mobile application development or for experienced developers looking to understand the basics of Flutter.

The training covers the essential features of Flutter and Dart. You will learn the basic structures of the Dart programming language, including variables, data types, operators, and control flows. This is necessary for developing iOS and Android applications with Flutter.

Flutter’s widget-based design philosophy and how to use it is a central part of the training. Widgets are used to create and manage user interfaces. Participants will also learn how Flutter widgets are created, configured, and combined.

We introduce more advanced topics such as state management and simple integration with online services. Additionally, participants will learn the basics of communicating with online APIs and parsing JSON data.

We also cover debugging concepts and tools, equipping developers with the ability to identify and fix errors in their software.

By the end of the training, participants will learn how to create, test, and distribute an iOS and Android application. We focus on the basics of the distribution process, including how to upload and publish applications to Google Play and the App Store.

In summary, the “Basic Level Flutter Training” is a comprehensive program that teaches the core features of Dart and Flutter, supported by real-world application examples. Through this training, developers enhance their technical skills to create applications for iOS and Android. You can click here to explore all our other Flutter and Mobile Application Development courses.

What Will You Learn?

In the Basic Level Flutter Training, you can learn the following topics:
  • Dart programming language: You can learn the basic structure, syntax, and data types of the Dart programming language.
  • Flutter projects: You can gain knowledge on creating, configuring, and understanding the structure of Flutter projects.
  • UI/UX design: You can learn about the widgets used for UI/UX design in Flutter and how to design the interface of your application.
  • Data structures: You can improve your skills in using data structures in Flutter, such as Lists and Maps.
  • Navigation and page transitions: You can learn how to manage page transitions and navigation within an application.
  • Data loading and storage: You can gain knowledge on loading and storing data within an application.
  • Dynamic widget creation: You can enhance your ability to create dynamic widgets in Flutter.


The following prerequisites are required to participate in the Basic Level Flutter Training:
  • Programming knowledge: Basic programming knowledge is required for Flutter training. For example, you should be familiar with loops, conditional statements, functions, and variables.
  • Operating System knowledge: Understanding an operating system is necessary to install and run Flutter. For example, knowledge of Windows, macOS, or Linux is required.
  • IDE knowledge: An Integrated Development Environment (IDE) is required to develop Flutter applications. You should be familiar with IDEs such as Visual Studio Code, Android Studio, or IntelliJ IDEA.
Once you meet these prerequisites, you can participate in the basic Flutter training and enhance your mobile application development skills with Flutter.

Who Should Attend?

The following individuals can participate in the Basic Level Flutter Training:
  • Beginner software developers interested in mobile application development
  • Software developers looking to learn the Dart programming language and the Flutter framework
  • Software developers who want to learn modern technologies for mobile application projects
  • Software developers aiming to enhance their cross-platform mobile application development skills
This training is designed for those interested in mobile application development with Flutter and who want to gain advanced knowledge in this area. It is suitable for software developers with beginner-level knowledge of Dart and programming.


Introduction to Flutter
  • Importance of Flutter Introduction to Dart Writing Dart code
  • DartPad
  • Installing Dart SDK
  • IntelliJ IDEA
  • Installing IntelliJ IDEA
  • Creating a Dart Project Using IntelliJ IDEA
  • Using DartPad
Syntax Dart Programming
  • Introduction
  • main () function
  • Dart Variables
  • Dart Data Types
  • Input of Information to Dart Program
  • Writing Comments
  • Dart Conditional Operators
  • If Statement
  • If – Else Statement
  • If…Else and Else…If… Statement
  • If Else and Logical Operators
  • For Loops
  • While Loops
  • Do-while Loops
  • Break Statement
  • Switch Case Statement
Dart Functions
  • Functions
  • Function Structure
  • Creating a Function
  • Function Return Data Types
  • Void Function
  • Function Returning Expression
  • Functions and Variable Scope
  • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
  • Object
  • Class
  • Creating a Class
  • Adding Methods to Classes
  • Providing Constructors for Your Classes
  • Class and Class Inheritance
  • Abstract Class
  • Dart Project Structure and Dart Libraries
Flutter Framework
  • Flutter Framework
  • Android Studio
  • What is Android Studio?
  • Android Studio Software Prerequisite
  • Installing Android Studio
  • Flutter SDK
  • Installing and Configuring Flutter SDK
  • Creating a New Flutter Project
  • Setup an Android Virtual Device
  • Run a Flutter App
  • Installing Flutter on Mac
  • Test Your Flutter App on iOS Phone with Windows O.S
  • Android Studio Sugar and Spice
  • Run your Apps on a Hardware Device (Physical Phone)
  • Run your Flutter App on Android Phone
  • Emulator Debug Mode
  • Introduction to Flutter Widgets
  • Creating a Flutter App Using Widgets
  • What is a MaterialApp widget?
Flutter Widgets
  • Scaffold Widget
  • Image Widget
  • Container Widget
  • Column and Row Widgets
  • Icon Widget
  • Layouts in Flutter
  • Card Widget
  • App Icons for iOS and Android Apps
  • Hot Reload and Hot Restart
  • Stateful and Stateless Widgets
  • Use a Custom Font
Navigation and Routing
  • Button Widget
  • FloatingActionButton
  • RaisedButton, FlatButton, and IconButton
  • DropdownButton
  • OutlineButton
  • ButtonBar
  • PopupMenuButton
  • App Structure and Navigation
  • Navigate to a New Screen and Back
  • Navigate with Named Routes
  • Send and Return Data Among Screens
  • Animate a Widget Across Screens
  • WebView Widget in Flutter
Widgets implementation
  • Introduction
  • BottomNavigatorBar Widget
  • DefaultTabController, TabBar, and TabBarView Widgets
  • ListTile Widget
  • ListView Widget
  • Drawer Widget
  • DataTable Widget
  • SelectableText Widget
  • Stack Widget
  • Input and Selections
  • Text Field Widget.
  • Checkbox Group and RadioButtonGroup Widgets
  • Date Picker.
  • Time Picker
  • Slider Widget.
  • Switch Widget
  • Dialogs, Alerts, and Panels
  • Alert Dialog Widget
  • Cupertino Alert Dialog Widget.
  • Bottom Sheet
  • Modal Bottom Sheet
  • Persistent Bottom Sheet.
  • Expansion Panel Widget.
  • Snack Bar Widget.

Training Request Form