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Scala for Developers Training

About the Training

About the Training

The “Scala for Developers” training is specifically designed for software developers, providing a comprehensive program on the Scala programming language. Scala successfully combines functional and object-oriented programming paradigms, making it a powerful and flexible language. This course aims to guide developers from the fundamental building blocks of Scala to its advanced concepts, enabling them to develop robust applications throughout the process.

The training covers Scala’s basic syntax, data types, control structures, and functional programming features. Participants will also learn Scala’s object-oriented capabilities, including class hierarchies, traits, and package management. The program emphasizes how functional and object-oriented programming interact in Scala and how these approaches can be integrated into application development.

In addition to offering efficient and effective programming techniques in Scala, the training focuses on advanced features such as high-order functions, collections, and concurrent programming. Other key topics include Scala’s type system, pattern matching, and implicits.

The Scala for Developers course integrates theoretical knowledge with real-world scenarios and practical applications, allowing participants to gain hands-on experience in building real projects using Scala. By the end of the course, participants will be proficient in developing applications in Scala and will be able to apply these skills in their daily software development tasks. This training provides an in-depth understanding of the Scala programming language, enabling participants to apply their knowledge to modern software development projects.

What Will You Learn?

The “Scala for Developers” Training aims to provide participants with in-depth knowledge and skills in the following areas:
  • Introduction to Scala: Understanding the fundamentals, history, and importance of Scala in modern software development.
  • Scala Syntax and Language Features: Exploring Scala’s syntax, data types, variables, and operators.
  • Functional Programming in Scala: Learning functional programming concepts and techniques using Scala.
  • Object-Oriented Programming with Scala: Understanding how Scala supports object-oriented programming.
  • Scala Collections: Working with Scala’s powerful collection libraries.
  • Pattern Matching: Using pattern matching for concise and expressive code.
  • Concurrency and Parallelism: Managing concurrency and parallel programming in Scala.
  • Developing Scalable Applications: Designing and developing scalable and efficient applications.
  • Integration with Java: Exploring the interaction between Scala and Java.
  • Testing and Debugging: Strategies for testing and debugging Scala code.
  • Best Practices: Adopting best practices for writing clean and maintainable Scala code.


Who Should Attend?

The “Scala for Developers” Training is suitable for the following professionals:
  • Software Developers
  • Java Developers
  • Functional Programming Enthusiasts
  • Anyone interested in developing modern applications


Day 1: Introduction to Scala and Basic Syntax Session 1: Introduction to Scala
  • Understanding the Scala language, its benefits, and use cases
  • Installing Scala and setting up the development environment
  • Overview of the Scala REPL (Read-Evaluate-Print Loop)
Session 2: Basic Syntax and Data Types
  • Learning Scala basic syntax: variables, expressions, operators
  • Understanding Scala data types: Int, String, Boolean, etc.
Session 3: Control Structures and Functions
  • Exploring control structures: if-else, loops, match (similar to switch in other languages)
  • Introduction to Scala functions: defining and calling functions
Session 4: Hands-On Lab
  • Write and execute basic Scala programs using the concepts learned
Day 2: Collections, Object-Oriented Programming in Scala Session 1: Scala Collections
  • Understanding the Scala collection hierarchy
  • Working with Lists, Sets, Maps, and Arrays
Session 2: Object-Oriented Programming in Scala
  • Classes and Objects in Scala
  • Implementing inheritance and polymorphism
  • Understanding traits
Session 3: Case Classes and Companion Objects
  • Understanding and implementing case classes
  • Companion objects and their usage
Session 4: Hands-On Lab
  • Implementing OOP concepts and working with collections in Scala
Day 3: Functional Programming in Scala Session 1: Introduction to Functional Programming
  • Understanding the principles of functional programming
  • Functional programming in Scala: immutability, higher-order functions, function literals
Session 2: Handling Errors and Exceptions
  • Exception handling in Scala: try, catch, finally
  • Understanding Option, Some, and None for safe error handling
Session 3: Pattern Matching and For Comprehensions
  • Deep dive into pattern matching in Scala
  • Understanding and using for comprehensions
Session 4: Hands-On Lab
  • Implementing functional programming concepts and error handling in Scala
Day 4: Advanced Scala and Real-World Applications Session 1: Scala’s Type System and Implicit
  • Understanding Scala’s advanced type system: variance, bounds, higher-kinded types
  • Implicit parameters and conversions
Session 2: Working with Futures and Concurrency in Scala
  • Introduction to Futures in Scala
  • Basics of concurrent programming with Scala

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