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REST Training

About the Training

About the Training

REST Training (Representational State Transfer) is an architectural style of great importance in the world of web technologies. This training program aims to teach participants the fundamentals of REST architecture, how to implement it, and how to use it effectively. REST plays a critical role, particularly in the development of modern web-based applications. The training explains the core principles of REST architecture to participants and how these principles can be applied in the design of web services and APIs.

The primary focus of the training is on how RESTful services are created and consumed. Participants will gain comprehensive knowledge about the design, development, and integration of RESTful APIs. Additionally, topics such as how the HTTP protocol is used in REST architecture, the importance of a resource-based approach, and the advantages of a stateless architecture will also be covered.

This training is designed especially for web developers and software engineers. Participants will learn how to develop more efficient and scalable web services using REST architecture. The training content will include both theoretical knowledge and practical examples and exercises. Thus, participants will see how to apply the theoretical knowledge they have learned to real-world scenarios.

REST Training is designed to provide participants with an in-depth understanding of REST architecture and enable them to comfortably apply this knowledge in their own projects. Topics such as the creation, security, performance, and scalability of RESTful services will be some of the key elements of the training. Through this training, participants will fully harness the power of REST architecture and be able to provide more effective solutions in web development projects.

What Will You Learn?

REST Training aims to provide participants with in-depth knowledge and skills on the following topics:
  • Fundamental concepts and principles of REST
  • Advantages and use cases of RESTful web services
  • How the HTTP protocol interacts with REST
  • HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE) and their use in RESTful services
  • URI design and representation of resources
  • Using JSON and XML formats for sending and receiving data
  • Designing and documenting RESTful APIs
  • Securing REST applications in terms of security and authorization


Who Should Attend?

REST Training is suitable for the following professionals:
  • Web Developers
  • Software Engineers
  • API Developers
  • Data Architects
  • System Engineers
  • Mobile Application Developers
  • Professionals developing web-based applications in any sector


Day 1: Introduction to REST and Building Basic RESTful APIs Session 1: Introduction to REST
  • Understanding REST and its importance
  • Overview of RESTful web services
  • Principles of REST (stateless, cacheable, client-server, layered system, code ondemand, uniform interface)
Session 2: HTTP Basics and REST
  • Understanding HTTP methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
  • Status codes and their meaning in a REST context
  • Discussion of request-response model
Session 3: Introduction to RESTful API Development
  • Overview of JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
  • Building a basic RESTful API
  • Testing APIs with tools such as Postman or curl
Session 4: Hands-on Exercise
  • Design and implement a simple RESTful API
Day 2: Advanced API Development and Best Practices Session 1: Advanced API Development
  • Error handling in RESTful APIs
  • Pagination, filtering, and sorting
  • Versioning of APIs
Session 2: RESTful API Best Practices
  • Designing and maintaining RESTful APIs: best practices
  • Principles of RESTful API design (using nouns, not verbs, for routes, utilizing HTTP methods, status codes)
Session 3: Security for REST APIs
  • Basics of API security
  • Token-based authentication (OAuth, JWT)
  • SSL for encrypted connections
Session 4: Hands-on Exercise
  • Extend the RESTful API from Day 1 with advanced features, implement basic securitymeasures
Day 3: Documenting, Testing and Deploying REST APIs Session 1: Documenting REST APIs
  • Importance of API documentation
  • Tools for API documentation (Swagger, Apiary)
Session 2: Testing REST APIs
  • Unit testing and integration testing for APIs
  • Load testing for APIs
  • Tools for API testing (Postman, JMeter)
Session 3: Deploying REST APIs
  • Deploying APIs on cloud platforms
  • Understanding API gateways and their role
Session 4: Hands-on Exercise and Wrap-up
  • Document, test, and deploy the API developed in previous exercise

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