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Programming RESTful Services with REST/JAX-RS Training

About the Training

The Programming RESTful Services with REST/JAX-RS training utilizes REST (Representational State Transfer) and JAX-RS (Java API for RESTful Web Services) technologies. It aims to create efficient, flexible, and remotely accessible web services. RESTful web services are designed for data transfer over the HTTP protocol, making it a simple and standard approach. JAX-RS provides an API for creating RESTful web services in Java.

Participants will learn how to design and implement RESTful web services. Additionally, they will gain knowledge about how to test and deploy these services. Throughout the training, participants will gain hands-on experience by working on real-world applications using Java and JAX-RS, learning how RESTful web services are applied and utilized.

This training also covers topics such as the security of RESTful web services, load balancing, backup, and distributed systems. It is delivered using various learning methods such as presentations, practical examples, lab exercises, and project work.

The course is suitable for IT professionals who want to understand the critical aspects of web services and distributed systems. It is also valuable for software developers and system engineers.

Throughout the training, diverse learning techniques and methods are used. Presentations help explain broad concepts and theories, while practical examples and lab exercises allow participants to apply what they’ve learned to real-world scenarios. Project work gives participants the opportunity to gain experience working on complex systems and apply their skills in a broader context.

Participants in the Programming RESTful Services with REST/JAX-RS training should have a solid understanding of the structure of RESTful web services, REST principles, and the JAX-RS API. Additionally, they should have a basic knowledge of Java programming languages and web applications. By the end of the training, participants will be able to successfully develop and implement RESTful web services.

What Will You Learn?

In the RESTful Services with REST/JAX-RS training, you will learn the following:
  • Concepts and principles of REST (Representational State Transfer)
  • How to use the HTTP protocol
  • URI design and the structure of RESTful services
  • Developing RESTful services in Java using the JAX-RS library
  • Data serialization and deserialization techniques
  • Error handling and security practices
  • The design, implementation, and deployment processes of RESTful services
  • Features of the JAX-RS library and how to use them
This training will provide you with both theoretical and practical knowledge and skills in developing RESTful services. As a result, you will be able to develop various applications and systems using RESTful services, enhancing their performance, security, and scalability.


The prerequisites for participating in the RESTful Services with REST/JAX-RS training may include:
  • Proficiency in programming languages (e.g., Java): Participants should be proficient in programming languages and familiar with fundamental concepts related to these languages.
  • Basic knowledge of web technologies and protocols: Participants should have a basic understanding of web technologies and protocols.
  • Familiarity with database technologies: Since RESTful services often interact with database systems, it would be beneficial to have knowledge of database technologies.
Once these prerequisites are met, participants can engage more effectively in the RESTful Services with REST/JAX-RStraining and gain more value from the experience.

Who Should Attend?

The following individuals can participate in the RESTful Services with REST/JAX-RS training:
  • Developers: The training is aimed at all developers, whether inexperienced or experienced in developing RESTful services.
  • Web and mobile application developers: The use of RESTful services is essential for web and mobile application development. This training is designed for developers who work on these types of applications.
  • System and data analysts: System and data analysts who are knowledgeable about the design, implementation, and deployment of RESTful services can benefit from this training.
  • IT managers: IT managers with an understanding of the performance, security, and scalability of RESTful services can also benefit from this training.
This training can be valuable for all professionals interested in developing RESTful services, helping them advance further in this field.


Java Overview
  • Language and Platform Features
  • A Simple Java Program
  • The Java Release Cycle
  • Program Lifecycle
  • The Java SE Development Kit (JDK)
  • LABS:
  • Hello World: A Simple Application
Class and Object Basics
  • The Object Model and Object-Oriented Programming
  • Classes, References, and Instantiation
  • Adding Data to a Class Definition
  • Adding Methods (Behavior)
  • LABS:
  • Exploring Types and Object Instances
  • Introducing your IDE
  • Writing and Using a Class Definition with Fields and Methods
More on Classes and Objects
  • More about Methods
  • Encapsulation and Access Control, public and private Access
  • Constructors and Initialization
  • static Members of a Class
  • LABS:
  • Accessor Methods
  • Encapsulation / Access Protection
  • Writing and Using Constructors
  • Static Members
Flow of Control
  • Branching: if, if-else, switch
  • Iteration: while, do-while, for, break, continue
  • LABS:
  • Data Validation
More about Classes and Objects
  • Type-safe Enums
  • Wrapper Classes
  • Java 8+ Date/Time Support
  • Working with References
  • Formatted Output
  • LABS:
  • Using enums
  • Working with Dates and Times
  • Using the Debugger
Strings, Arrays, and Dates/Times
  • String, StringBuffer, StringBuilder
  • Arrays, Primitive Arrays, Arrays of Reference Types
  • varargs
  • LABS:
  • Using Strings and Arrays
Packages and Modules
  • Package Overview – Using Packages to Organize Code
  • Creating Packages, package Statement, Required Directory Structure
  • import statements
  • Classpath
  • Java Modules Overview
  • Defining Modules, Requires, and Exports
  • Module Path and Classpath – Differences and Coexistence
  • LABS:
  • Using Packages
  • Using Java Modules
Composition and Inheritance
  • Using Composition to Deal With Complexity
  • Composition/HAS-A, Delegation
  • Using Inheritance to share commonality
  • IS-A, extends Inheriting Features
  • Constructor Issues
  • Overriding Methods, @Override, Using Polymorphism
  • Abstract Classes
  • LABS:
  • Working with Composition
  • Using Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • Polymorphism
  • Defining and Implementing Interfaces
  • Using Interfaces
  • Default Methods and static Methods
  • LABS:
  • Using Interfaces to Remove Implementation Dependencies
  • Using Default and Static Methods
  • Exceptions and the Exception Hierarchy
  • Throwing Exceptions and Checked Exceptions
  • try and catch
  • Handling Exceptions
  • try and catch
  • Program Flow with Exceptions
  • Multicatch, finally, try-with-resources
  • LABS:
  • Throwing Exceptions
  • Checked Exceptions
Java Collections and Generics
  • The Collections Framework and its API
  • Collections and Java Generics
  • Collection, List, Set, Map
  • Autoboxing
  • Collections of Object (non-generic)
  • Using ArrayList, HashSet, and HashMap
  • for-each Loop
  • Processing Items With an Iterator
  • More About Generics
  • LABS:
  • Using Collections and Generics
Database Access with JDBC and JPA
  • JDBC Overview
  • JDBC Defined Types
  • Example of JBDC Usage
  • JPA Overview
  • JPA Architecture and Programming View
  • Mapping Entity Classes with Annotations
  • Persistence Unit, EntityManagerFactory, and EntityManager
  • Working with JPA (Find by primary key and inserts)
  • LABS:
  • Mapping an Entity Class
  • Using JPA
  • Insert/Query Demo
I/O Streams (Optional)
  • I/O Streams Overview
  • Readers and Writers
  • Exception Handling
  • Byte Streams
  • Working with Files
  • NIO, Paths, Files
  • LABS:
  • Reading and Writing Files
  • Using Byte Streams (Optional)
Additional Language Features (Optional)
  • Functional Interfaces and Lambda Expressions
  • Switch Expressions
  • Other Java Features
  • LABS:
  • Working with Lambdas (Demo)

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