Full-Stack Applications Bootcamp with Angular and Web API Training

About the Training

The Full-Stack Applications Bootcamp with Angular and Web API Training is an excellent resource for developers looking to enhance the quality and reliability of their full-stack web applications. Designed for those familiar with front-end development using Angular and back-end development with Web API, this training provides a deep understanding of full-stack application development.

In the first part of the bootcamp, we cover the importance and fundamental concepts of developing full-stack applications using Angular and Web API. Participants will learn why these processes are critical and how they impact the quality of applications.

Next, the training focuses on unit testing in Angular, teaching how to test components and services using the Jasmine test framework and Karma test runner. On the Web API side, participants will learn how to perform back-end tests.

The bootcamp also includes integration testing and end-to-end (E2E) testing. We demonstrate how to test the complex interactions between the front-end developed with Angular and the back-end developed with Web API. Participants will learn how to conduct E2E tests using tools like Protractor and validate the overall workflow of the application.

Additionally, the training emphasizes strategies and tools to increase the speed and efficiency of testing. Participants will learn how to integrate tests into continuous integration systems and run them automatically.

The bootcamp also covers code coverage techniques and how to measure the extent of your code that is covered by tests.

Participants will have the opportunity to work on real-world examples, applying the concepts learned about Angular and Web API in hands-on projects. This approach helps to better understand the development and testing processes, strategies, and best practices.

The Full-Stack Applications Bootcamp with Angular and Web API Training equips participants with the knowledge and skills needed to develop and test full-stack applications effectively and reliably. The training provides both theoretical knowledge and practical experience, enabling participants to implement efficient development and testing processes in Angular and Web API-based projects.

What Will You Learn?

  • Fundamental Concepts of Angular: You will work on understanding and applying core Angular concepts such as Components, Modules, Data Binding, Services, and Dependency Injection.
  • Front-End Development: You will gain knowledge in developing user interfaces with Angular, including routing, forms, API calls, visual effects, and other essential front-end concepts.
  • Back-End Development: You will learn how to create RESTful APIs using Web API and manage data flow between the Angular front-end and back-end.
  • Application Development: You will have the opportunity to learn and practice how to develop and deploy full-stack applications (both front-end and back-end) using Angular and Web API technologies.
  • Project Work: Throughout the training, you will work on a project, applying the Angular and Web API technologies in a hands-on environment.
This training program is ideal for web developers who want to learn how to develop full-stack applications using Angular and Web API technologies.


  • Basic Knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: The training covers the development of full-stack applications using Angular and Web API technologies, so you should be familiar with the basic concepts of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Relevant Experience: Having prior experience with Angular or a similar front-end framework will make the training more efficient and easier to follow.
  • Required Software Tools: During the training, you will need a text editor (such as Visual Studio Code), a browser, and a terminal.
Meeting these prerequisites will make the training process more efficient and manageable. However, even if you haven’t fully met these prerequisites, you can still follow and benefit from the training.

Who Should Attend?

  • Front-End Developers: This training is suitable for front-end developers who want to learn how to develop full-stack applications using Angular and Web API technologies.
  • Full-Stack Developers: It is also ideal for full-stack developers who wish to understand the process of developing full-stack applications using Angular and Web API technologies.
  • Web Application Developers: This training is perfect for web application developers who want to gain knowledge in developing modern web applications using Angular and Web API technologies.
  • Businesses: The training is also suitable for businesses that want to teach their in-house teams how to develop full-stack applications or work with Angular and Web API technologies.


Angular Testing Overview Setup, tools and technologies Unit Testing
  • Organization and Conventions
  • Jasmine
    • Built-In Matchers
    • Setup and Teardown
    • Disabled and Focused Tests
  • Karma
  • Command line parameters
  • Testing Pipes
  • Testing Components
  • Testing Change Detection
  • Testing Services
  • Testing Asynchronous Code
  • Testing Http
  • Testing Forms
  • Testing Routing
  • Angular Test Bed
  • Run your tests in a headless browser for automated tests environments (Continuous Integration)
  • Code coverage report and Code coverage enforcement
  • Mocks & Spies
    • Mock with fake class
    • Mock with spy
    • The Auto Spies Library
End To End (E2E) testing
  • Protractor
  • Cypress
PART 1: UNIT TESTS Unit tests with Jest
  • Jasmine Jest
  • Test Coverage
  • Extending Jest
  • Asynchronicity
  • fakeAsync waitForAsync
  • Mocking: mock, jest.fn, jest.spyOn
  • Stubbing
Testing of reactivity
  • RxJS Marbles for pipe operators
  • Use of RxJS Marbles in normal unit tests
  • Unit tests for NGRX
  • TestBed and Dependency Injection
  • DOM interaction
  • Change detection
  • Component Snapshots
Advanced component tests
  • Nested components
  • Testing @Input and @Output
  • Testing directives and pipes
  • Factory methods for reducing boilerplate code
  • Spectator
  • Testing Library
  • Harnesses
  • Reuse harnesses
Integration tests
  • HttpTestingController
  • RouterTestingModule
  • NgRx and the MockStore
Best Practices
  • Two approaches: London & Detroit
  • Test strategies: when should I use what?
  • Testable architecture
PART 3: END-TO-END TESTS WITH CYPRESS & VISUAL REGRESSION Visual regression with storybook
  • Multiple Jest configurations
  • Puppeteer
  • Storybook
  • StoryShots
  • Overview of existing E2E frameworks
  • Difference between Web-Driver and Chrome DevTools protocol
  • Cypress and its “awaiting” feature
  • The cy object
  • Implicit and explicit assertions
Cypress Advanced
  • Page Object Models
  • cy expand object
  • Avoid Flaky Tests
  • Mocking of HTTP requests
  • Reuse Angular Harnesses
Cypress and Beyond
  • Optimal test design
  • Conditional tests
  • Direct communication with the backend
  • Unit tests in connection with Storybook
  • Unit tests with Component Test Runner
  • Test Coverage

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