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ES6 and Modern JavaScript Features Training

About the Training

The ES6 and Modern JavaScript Features Training” keeps web developers up to date. This training covers the latest features of JavaScript. ES6 simplifies coding, making it more readable and modular. Participants learn modern JavaScript techniques, enabling them to develop more efficient applications.

The training focuses on fundamental ES6 features. For example, let and const variables are covered, which enhance code security. Participants also learn arrow functions, simplifying function syntax. Template literals improve code readability, making writing code more efficient.

The training includes advanced ES6 features such as spread and rest operators, which make working with arrays easier. Additionally, destructuring makes code more understandable. Promises and async/await simplify asynchronous operations, which are essential for modern web applications.

Participants also learn about ES6 modules, which make code more modular and projects more manageable. The training covers new JavaScript APIs as well, making web applications more powerful. For example, the Fetch API simplifies network requests.

The ES6 and Modern JavaScript Features Training” emphasizes practical applications. Participants work on real-world projects, reinforcing what they’ve learned. The training also enhances problem-solving skills, teaching participants how to overcome challenges.

This training is essential for web developers. JavaScript plays a central role in web development. ES6 and modern JavaScript features improve code quality. This training helps participants advance in their careers. In conclusion, the ES6 and Modern JavaScript Features Training” is ideal for anyone looking to improve their web development skills. It is the key to keeping up with innovations in the tech world.

What Will You Learn?

  • ES6 Syntax and Structures: let, const, arrow functions, template literals, and other new syntax structures.
  • Modules and Classes: JavaScript modules, classes, and inheritance.
  • Asynchronous Programming: Promises, async/await, and the nuances of asynchronous programming.
  • New Collections: New collection types like Map, Set, WeakMap, and WeakSet.
  • Other Modern JavaScript Features: Spread/rest operator, destructuring, for…of loops, symbols, and other modern features.


  • Basic proficiency in JavaScript.
  • Basic knowledge of HTML and CSS.
  • A general understanding of programming concepts.

Who Should Attend?

  • Front-end developers and web designers.
  • Software developers looking to keep their JavaScript knowledge up to date and develop modern applications.
  • Programmers of all levels who want to learn ES6 and modern JavaScript features to add value to their careers.


  • The Importance of Modern JavaScript and ES6
ES6 Syntax and Structures:
  • let, const, and Block Scoping
  • Arrow Functions and Template Literals
Modules and Classes:
  • JavaScript Modules
  • Classes and Inheritance
Asynchronous Programming:
  • Promises and Error Handling
  • Using Async/Await
New Collections and Other Features:
  • New Collection Types: Map, Set, and WeakMap
  • Spread/Rest Operator, Destructuring, and Other Modern Features

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