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Digital Forensics Essentials Training

Siber Güvenlik Eğitimleri Certified Cybersecurity Technician (C|CT) Eğitimi

About the Training

Digital Forensics Essentials Training is a comprehensive program designed to equip professionals with the foundational knowledge and skills needed to handle the collection, analysis, and legal processes associated with digital evidence. This training focuses on understanding the process of conducting forensic investigations related to crimes in digital environments, with an emphasis on developing the ability to effectively collect and analyze digital evidence.

The Digital Forensics Essentials Training provides participants with the necessary methods and techniques for preserving, collecting, and analyzing digital evidence. Throughout the training, participants will learn key digital forensic topics such as data recovery, memory analysis, file system analysis, and network traffic analysis. Additionally, they will gain insight into the legal requirements for conducting forensic investigations and learn the protocols needed to collect and present evidence in compliance with legal standards.

This training includes simulations that mimic real-world scenarios and focuses on the practical application of skills through hands-on exercises. Participants will have the opportunity to collect digital evidence, perform data analysis, reconstruct events, and develop reporting skills. Furthermore, they will be informed about legal procedures and how to present evidence in court.

The Digital Forensics Essentials Training is valuable for security professionals, personnel in forensic investigation units, prosecutors, and legal advisors. It enables professionals dealing with digital crimes to accurately collect, analyze, and utilize digital evidence in legal proceedings. Additionally, it enhances their effectiveness in tracking digital traces of criminals and presenting evidence in court.

In conclusion, this training focuses on how to use digital evidence in forensic investigations and teaches effective analysis techniques. Through this program, participants will specialize in combating digital crimes, handling forensic evidence reliably, and increasing their success in legal processes.

What Will You Learn?

  • Concepts of Digital Evidence: You will gain fundamental knowledge about digital forensic processes, the importance of digital evidence, and forensic investigations related to digital crimes.
  • Digital Evidence Collection and Monitoring: Learn the necessary steps and protocols for legally and correctly collecting digital evidence, with a focus on data preservation, chain of custody, and evidence labeling.
  • Data Recovery and Analysis: Develop your ability to analyze digital evidence by learning data recovery methods for cases where data may be deleted or damaged. Gain knowledge of data recovery tools and techniques.
  • File System Analysis: Understand the structures and behaviors of file systems to perform analysis on them, focusing on data manipulation, detection of deleted files, and file system configurations.
  • Memory Analysis: Enhance your ability to detect critical information and traces in system memory using memory analysis techniques. Topics include memory imaging, memory analysis tools, and identifying malicious software traces in memory.
  • Network Traffic Analysis: Improve your skills in analyzing network data traffic and detecting incidents on the network. Work with network traffic analysis tools and techniques to identify anomalies and attacks in network traffic.
  • Reporting and Court Presentation: Develop your ability to accurately report digital evidence and present it in court. Focus on report writing rules, evidence presentation, and expert testimony.
Digital Forensics Essentials Training equips you with the fundamental skills for digital evidence collection and analysis. This training serves as a critical resource for security professionals combating digital crimes, forensic investigation personnel, and legal advisors.


  • Basic Computer Knowledge: A general understanding of basic computer hardware and operating systems is expected. Familiarity with computer components, file systems, and memory management will be beneficial.
  • Network Knowledge: You should be familiar with basic network concepts and configurations. Knowledge of IP addressing, TCP/IP protocol, network devices, and network communication will be helpful.
  • Operating System Knowledge: It is important to have a basic understanding of at least one operating system. Familiarity with the basic configuration and usage of Windows and/or Linux operating systems is expected.
  • Basic Data Recovery Knowledge: A fundamental understanding of data recovery techniques and tools is advantageous. It is important to understand basic methods for recovering deleted or damaged data.
  • Digital Security Knowledge: You should be familiar with basic security concepts and layers. Understanding fundamental security principles such as encryption, authentication, authorization, and firewalls is essential.
  • Meeting these prerequisites will help you gain more from the Digital Forensics Essentials Training. If you do not fully meet these prerequisites, it is recommended that you research the relevant topics or take introductory courses to prepare.

Who Should Attend?

  • Digital Security Professionals: Professionals working in or aspiring to work in the digital security field can participate in this training to gain knowledge and skills in the collection, analysis, and legal processes of digital evidence. This training provides the essential abilities needed to combat digital crimes and handle forensic evidence reliably.
  • Forensic Investigation Unit Personnel: Individuals working in police forces, forensic units, and forensic laboratories can join this training to update their knowledge and enhance their practical skills in digital forensics. The training offers an opportunity to specialize in understanding forensic processes and in the collection and analysis of digital evidence.
  • Legal and Forensic Process Professionals: Prosecutors, lawyers, legal advisors, and other professionals involved in legal proceedings can benefit from this training to develop a fundamental understanding of the legal regulations and use of digital evidence in forensic processes.
  • IT and Computer Forensics Experts: IT security officers, computer forensics experts, and other IT industry professionals can participate in this training to learn about the collection, analysis, and legal follow-up processes related to digital crimes. This training provides the fundamental skills needed to specialize in combating digital crimes and effectively utilizing forensic evidence.
Digital Forensics Essentials Training is valuable for anyone interested in or working in the field of digital forensics. It equips you with the knowledge and skills to collect, analyze, and manage forensic processes effectively, enabling you to play an active role in combating digital crimes.


  • Module 01: Computer Forensics Fundamentals
  • Module 02: Computer Forensics Investigation Process
  • Module 03: Understanding Hard Disks and File Systems
  • Module 04: Data Acquisition and Duplication
  • Module 05: Defeating Anti-forensics Techniques
  • Module 06: Windows Forensics
  • Module 07: Linux and Mac Forensics
  • Module 08: Network Forensics
  • Module 09: Investigating Web Attacks
  • Module 10: Dark Web Forensics
  • Module 11: Investigating Email Crimes
  • Module 12: Malware Forensics

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Siber Güvenlik Eğitimleri Certified Cybersecurity Technician (C|CT) Eğitimi

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