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Comprehensive Microservices Architecture Training

About the Training

Comprehensive Microservices Architecture Training aims to provide an in-depth understanding and practical knowledge of microservices architecture, a rapidly growing trend in the modern software development industry. Microservices architecture involves breaking down applications into smaller, manageable, and independent services, facilitating the efficient development and management of large and complex systems. The training program begins with a thorough overview of the fundamentals of microservices and progresses to advanced concepts, making it particularly valuable for businesses that must adapt to large-scale applications and rapidly changing market conditions.

The primary goal of the training is to teach participants the fundamental principles, advantages, and disadvantages of microservices architecture, along with the technical and methodological skills necessary for successful implementation. Participants will learn about the role of microservices architecture in software development, how it is designed, developed, and deployed. The course also covers supporting technologies and tools, inter-service communication, data management, and security.

Microservices architecture offers a structure that promotes flexibility, scalability, and rapid innovation. This training teaches participants how to maximize these advantages and tackle common challenges associated with microservices. Additionally, the program provides deep learning opportunities through real-world scenarios and practical examples. Participants will enhance their skills in solving typical problems encountered in microservices-based projects and developing effective solution strategies.

Comprehensive Microservices Architecture Training is ideal for software developers, system architects, project managers, and IT professionals. The training provides participants with valuable knowledge and skills to gain a competitive edge in today’s fast-evolving technology landscape. By the end of the course, participants will grasp the fundamentals of microservices architecture, gain confidence in implementing it, and be able to apply this approach successfully in their projects. Microservices architecture is the future direction of the software industry, and this training prepares participants to become leaders in this exciting and innovative field.

What Will You Learn?

In this training, you will learn the following topics:
  • Fundamentals and definition of microservices.
  • Advantages and disadvantages of microservices architecture.
  • Clean architecture principles and their implementation.
  • Concepts of Domain Driven Design (DDD) and CQRS Pattern.
  • Authentication, authorization, and the use of API Gateway.
  • Messaging systems and data communication between microservices.
  • Database design and data integrity.
  • Monitoring, debugging, and logging techniques.
  • How to run microservices in Docker containers.
  • Implementation of Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) processes.


To participate in this training, it is recommended that you meet the following prerequisites:
  • Basic knowledge of software development (preferably in languages like C# or Java).
  • Basic understanding of system architecture.
  • Basic knowledge of databases.
  • Familiarity with Linux and command-line usage can be beneficial.

Who Should Attend?

This training is suitable for software developers, system engineers, system architects, and anyone interested in learning the fundamental concepts of microservices. It will also be beneficial for professionals considering transforming their existing monolithic applications into microservices architectures.


Day 1: Introduction and Fundamentals of Microservices
  • Fundamentals of Microservices
    • What is microservices architecture?
    • Core principles and advantages.
  • Architectural Approaches and Microservices Architecture
    • Comparison of different architectural approaches.
  • Microservices vs. Monolithic Architecture
    • Comparative analysis.
    • Detailed review of advantages and disadvantages of both architectures.
Day 2: Application Development with Domain Driven Design and CQRS Pattern
  • Clean Architecture
    • Principles and practices of clean architecture.
  • Domain Driven Design (DDD)
    • Concepts and applications of DDD.
  • CQRS Pattern
    • Application scenarios for Command Query Responsibility Segregation.
Day 3: Developing Project Microservices
  • Identity API, Authentication, Authorization
    • Mechanisms for authentication and authorization.
  • API Gateway Project
    • Using Ocelot API Gateway.
    • Integration with Consul Service Discovery.
Day 4: Inter-Service Data Communication and Database Design
  • Message Brokers: RabbitMQ, MassTransit
    • Setup and integration of messaging systems.
  • Database Design in Microservices Architecture
    • Distributed transactions and data consistency.
    • 2PC, SAGA, and Eventual Consistency.
Day 5: Advanced Topics in Microservices Architecture
  • Tracing, Logging, and Debugging
    • Techniques for monitoring and debugging.
  • Resilient and Fault-Tolerant Systems
    • Circuit breaker, retry mechanisms, and fallback strategies.
  • Container Architecture with Microservices
    • Docker architecture and usage, Dockerfile, Docker Compose, Docker Volume.
  • CI/CD Processes for Microservices
    • GitHub Actions, Azure DevOps, Azure App Services.

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