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Angular Introduction Training

About the Training

Angular Introduction Training is a valuable resource for those who want to develop web applications or are learning the fundamentals. This training focuses on the basic concepts and features of the Angular framework, as well as general principles used in web application development.

In the first part of the training, we focus on the fundamental building blocks of Angular. These include components, modules, services, and directives. Participants will learn how these elements form the foundation of Angular applications, and why they are crucial for Angular’s power and flexibility.

Next, we explore the basic steps of developing a web application with Angular. During the training, participants will learn how to use essential form elements, data binding, and HTTP requests. We will also cover Angular’s routing features for managing transitions between different parts of an application.

The training also addresses how Angular enhances performance and user experience. Participants will learn simple optimization techniques to improve page load speed and user interaction. In addition to writing clean and efficient code, we will demonstrate how to optimize workflows within Angular projects.

Finally, this training covers teamwork and collaboration. Participants will learn how to effectively manage Angular projects, keep the codebase sustainable and readable, and use version control systems. They will also become familiar with various development tools and best practices in the Angular ecosystem.

Our goal is to equip participants with the knowledge needed to develop modern, user-friendly web applications using Angular. The training also provides a solid foundation for moving on to more advanced concepts and techniques in Angular.

Angular Introduction Training is an excellent starting point for beginners in Angular web development or those looking to update and deepen their existing knowledge. Participants will gain an understanding of Angular’s potential and take a significant step into the world of modern web development.



What Will You Learn?

During the Angular Introduction Training, you can learn the following topics:
  • Fundamental concepts and principles of the Angular framework
  • Angular component structure and data display and updating
  • Angular routing and navigation system
  • Making HTTP requests with Angular
  • Data management and form validation in Angular
  • Developing modular and flexible applications with Angular
  • Other technologies and tools used alongside Angular
  • Enhancing application performance with Angular
  • Ensuring application security with Angular
By learning these topics, you will understand how to develop web applications using Angular, how to utilize Angular effectively, and gain more knowledge and skills related to Angular.


  • HTML, CSS ve JavaScript temel bilgisi: Angular ile uygulama geliştirme, HTML, CSS ve JavaScript gibi web geliştirme dilleri ile yakından ilgilidir.
  • Programlama deneyimi: Angular ile uygulama geliştirme, programlama deneyimi gerektirir. Öncelikle JavaScript dili hakkında temel bilgiye sahip olmanız önerilir.
Ek olarak, Angular Giriş Eğitimi’ne katılacak kişilerin aşağıdaki becerilerle de desteklenmesi önerilir:
  • Proje yönetimi becerileri: Angular ile uygulama geliştirme, proje yönetimi becerilerinin kullanımını gerektirir.
  • Kod okuma becerileri: Angular uygulamalarının geliştirilmesi sırasında, mevcut kodları okumak ve anlamak gerekir.
  • Debugging becerileri: Angular uygulamalarının geliştirilmesi sırasında, hata ayıklama becerilerinin kullanımı gerekir.
  • Veritabanı ve RESTful API’ler hakkında bilgi: Angular uygulamaları veritabanı ve RESTful API’ler ile iletişim kurar, bu konular hakkında da bilgi sahibi olmanız faydalı olacaktır.
  • Bu beceriler, Angular Giriş Eğitimi’ne katılacak kişilerin Angular ile uygulama geliştirme sürecinde daha başarılı olmasını ve eğitimi daha verimli bir şekilde tamamlamasını sağlayacaktır. Eğitimi almak isteyen kişilerin, HTML, CSS ve JavaScript dilleri hakkında temel bilgiye sahip olması ve programlama deneyimi bulunması ön koşullardır. Bu ön koşulların sağlanması, eğitim sürecinde daha verimli ve kolay bir şekilde öğrenmeyi mümkün kılacaktır.

Who Should Attend?

  • The Angular Introduction Training is suitable for individuals working in or aspiring to work in web development, who have a basic understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, and have some programming experience. Additionally, having knowledge of project management, code reading, debugging, and database/API concepts is recommended. Anyone interested in developing applications with Angular is welcome to join the Angular Introduction Training.


TypeScript fundamentals
  • The TypeScript compiler
    • Type safety with type annotation
    • Classes and Interfaces
    • Generics
  • Setup and Tooling
  • Getting started with the Angular CLI
    • Popular commands and schematics
  • Introduction to Angular
  • Structure of an app
  • Components Model
    • Decorators, Templating Syntax, Data Binding, Directives, Input/Output, Events, Pipes, Encapsulation
  • Services and Dependency Injection
Reactive Programming with RxJS (Observables)
  • Understanding RxJS and its use with Angular
  • Subscribe() function
  • The async pipe
  • Pipe() function
  • Using popular RxJS operators
  • RxJS best practices
  • Handling errors in RxJS code
Async Requests to a REST API (HTTP)
  • The HttpClient service
  • A first async GET request
  • Consume an Observable response
  • Implementing a local cache with ShareReplay()
  • Debugging an application
  • Implementing pagination, sorting and filtering on a list
  • Modules
    • Organizing a modular app
    • Modules imports/exports
  • Deployment
    • Optimizations for production
    • ng build and ng deploy commands
  • Migrating a project to a new version of Angular
Navigation and Routing
  • Using the Angular Router
  • routerLink directive
  • The router-outlet placeholder
  • Router service
  • Nested routes
  • Route parameters
  • Handling routing errors
  • Lazy-loading
Forms and Validation
  • Reactive Forms
  • Validation API
  • POST request
Using HttpClient to Update or Delete data on the server
  • PUT and DELETE requests
  • Login component
  • Authentication Service
  • Security with JSON Web Tokens (JWT)
  • Http Interceptors
  • Protecting access to components with Route Guards

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