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Android Mobile Application Development with Kotlin Training

About the Training

The Android Mobile Application Development with Kotlin Training is designed for those who want to develop efficient and effective applications on the Android platform by utilizing Kotlin’s advantages and modern features.

The training begins by focusing on the fundamentals of Kotlin, including its syntax, data types, functions, classes, and object-oriented programming principles. Additionally, Kotlin’s interoperability with Java, how it works alongside Java, and how it integrates with Java libraries are also covered.

Participants will learn how to use Android Studio IDE effectively, with topics covering Kotlin integration with Android Studio, emulator management, debugging, and performance analysis tools.

In the user interface design section, participants will learn to design interfaces using XML and Kotlin DSL, covering essential widgets, layout managers, and user interaction. The principles of Material Design and best practices for user experience design are also emphasized.

For database connections, the training covers working with local databases such as SQLite and Room, as well as connecting to cloud-based databases like Firebase, enabling apps to handle data storage and synchronization needs.

In the API access section, participants will learn how to communicate with RESTful services, process JSON, and use libraries like Retrofit. This allows applications to exchange data with web services.

The application publishing process covers how to upload an app to the Google Play Store, manage versions, and distribute updates.

Additionally, the training involves working on real-world examples and projects throughout, allowing participants to put theoretical knowledge into practice. The Android Mobile Application Development with Kotlin Training is designed to help participants gain a solid foundation and comprehensive skills in developing Android applications using Kotlin.

What Will You Learn?

  • Kotlin programming language: You will learn topics such as Kotlin syntax, functions, arrays, loops, data types, classes, object-oriented programming, etc.
  • Android platform: You will learn the Android application development process and how Android works by using Android Studio and the Android SDK.
  • User Interfaces: You will learn the tools used to create and organize user interfaces for Android applications.
  • Database connections: You will learn how to use databases in Android applications and how to work with SQLite databases.
  • API access: You will learn how to access server data in Android applications and how to use RESTful APIs.
  • App publishing: You will learn how to publish your application on the Android Market or Google Play Store.
These topics are just a starting point, and the content of the training may vary depending on the needs of the instructor and participants.


Programming fundamentals: Understanding the training requires knowledge of the basic concepts of programming languages. Java knowledge: Java is used in Android application development, so familiarity with Java makes the training easier to follow.

Who Should Attend?

The Android Mobile Application Development with Kotlin Training is suitable for:
  • Android mobile application developers
  • Developers with experience in Java programming languages
  • Developers who want to learn Kotlin
  • Professionals who want to develop mobile applications and receive training in this area
This training is aimed at developers who want to develop Android mobile applications and learn the Kotlin programming language. Developers with experience in Java programming languages may also find it beneficial.


Introduction to Kotlin
  • Kotlin History
  • Kotlin Advantages
  • How Kotlin Program Work?
  • Kotlin Software Prerequisites
  • IntelliJ IDEA
  • Installing IntelliJ IDE
  • Creating a Kotlin Program
  • Running a Kotlin Program
  • The main( ) function
  • Writing Comments
  • Kotlin Variables
  • Kotlin Data Types
  • Input of Information to Kotlin Program
Control Flow Statements
  • Introduction
  • If statement
  • If-else- statement
  • When Statement and expression
  • For Loops
  • While Loops
  • Do- While loops
  • Jump Expressions
  • Break Statement..
  • Continue Statement
  • Return Statement
  • Functions
  • Function Structure
  • Creating a Function
  • Functions and Variable Scope
Function & Object Oriented Programming (OOP)
  • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
  • Object
  • Class
  • Kotlin Collections
Android Framework and Android studio
  • Introduction
  • Android Platform Architecture
  • Android Libraries
  • Components of Android application
  • Types of Android processes and their properties
  • Android Application Development
  • Creating Kotlin Project Using Android Studio
  • Run Android App
  • Setup an Android Virtual Device
  • What is Android Studio Gradle?
  • Run your Apps on a Hardware Device (Physical Phone)
  • Lab 4: Creating Your First Application
Creating user interface
  • Introduction
  • Android Project Structure
  • View
  • Creating user interface
  • Lab 5: Creating a Pizza Order Application
Android Layouts, Styles, Themes and Menus
  • Introduction
  • Views
  • Layouts
  • Android Styles and Themes
  • App manifest
  • App Icons
  • Lab 6: Android Application Layouts, Styles, and Themes.
Snackbar, Activities, Android Intent, Alert Dialog and Android Notifications
  • Snackbar Class .
  • Snackbar Class .
  • Activity Lifecycle
  • Android Intent
  • Android Alert Dialog
  • Android Notifications
  • Lab 7: Creating a Mail Schedule Pickup App
 Android Widgets 
  • Progress Bar
  • Seek Bar
  • Date and Time Picker Dialogs
  • Calendar View
  • Web View.
  • Rating Bar
  • Video View
  • Texture View
  • Lab 8: Creating a Pizza Schedule a App
Android Navigation Components 
  • Menus
  • Bottom AppBar
  • Recycler View
  • SearchView
  • TabLayout and ViewPager
  • Spinner
  • Drawer
  • Lab 09: Creating Navigation Drawer in Android App

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