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Advanced C++ Programming Training

About the Training

Advanced C++ Programming Training offers a comprehensive overview of advanced features in C++. Participants work on Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) principles. Functional programming, modern C++ structures, and techniques are addressed. The course introduces the Standard Template Library (STL), which provides powerful data structures and algorithms. Design patterns are used to improve software design. Concurrency encompasses multi-threading management to enhance performance. Performance improvement techniques are crucial for speed and efficiency.

Optimization techniques enhance the performance of C++ code. Memory management optimizes memory usage to improve performance. C++ standard libraries include reusable code snippets. Related technologies expand C++ programming skills. Practical experience reinforces skills through real-world applications.

Modern C++ features improve code quality and maintainability. Smart pointers provide automatic memory management. Lambda functions help make code simpler. Rvalue references offer move semantics that enhance performance. Algorithms and data structures assist in effectively solving problems. Template metaprogramming allows for compile-time code optimization. Exception handling safely manages errors.

Concurrent programming parallelizes complex tasks. Threads make more effective use of processors. Mutexes and locks prevent data races. Atomic operations ensure thread-safe operations. Design patterns provide solutions to common problems, with Singleton, Factory, and Observer being popular examples.

In C++, data structures are methods for organizing and processing data. Structures like vectors, lists, and maps are frequently used. Functions modularize code and provide reusability. Polymorphism and inheritance are fundamental aspects of OOP.

Finally, performance analysis and optimization strategies are covered. Profiling tools identify performance bottlenecks. Inline functions and loop optimizations enhance performance. Effective memory management improves speed and stability.

In summary, Advanced C++ Programming Training equips participants with the skills to understand and apply advanced aspects of the C++ programming language. With this training, programmers gain in-depth knowledge for developing modern and effective C++ applications.

What Will You Learn?

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP): You will learn about classes, objects, inheritance, polymorphism, and other OOP concepts. Fundamental Data Structures: You will study Linked Lists, Stacks, Queues, Trees, and other data structures. Memory Management: You will learn about Dynamic Memory Allocation, Stack and Heap memory, smart pointers, and other memory management techniques. Functions and Algorithms: You will understand the structure of functions, recursion, sorting, and other algorithms. Standard Template Library (STL): You will learn to optimize programming using STL classes such as Vector, List, Map, Set, and others. Advanced Object-Oriented Programming: You will explore Design Patterns, Exception Handling, Namespaces, and other advanced OOP topics. This list is not exhaustive, and the topics covered may vary depending on the instructor and training program.


  • Basic Programming Experience: Participants should have an understanding of fundamental programming concepts and experience programming in other programming languages.
  • C++ Experience: Participants should have learned and practiced the basic concepts and usage of the C++ programming language.
  • Algorithm and Data Structures Experience: Participants should have learned and practiced the fundamental concepts and usage of data structures and algorithms.
  • These prerequisites may vary depending on the topics covered in the training and the instructor’s expectations, so it is recommended to obtain direct information from the training provider.

Who Should Attend?

  • Individuals with Programming Experience: Those with fundamental programming experience who are interested in advanced programming in C++.
  • Advanced C++ Programmers: Programmers who are proficient in using the C++ programming language and wish to learn more advanced features and concepts.
  • Individuals with Knowledge of Data Structures and Algorithms: Those who have basic knowledge of data structures and algorithms and wish to enhance their ability to apply this knowledge in C++.
  • Businesses and Organizations: Businesses and organizations may choose this training to develop their employees’ C++ programming skills and enable them to work on advanced applications.
  • This list is not exhaustive, and anyone may have the potential to participate in Advanced C++ Programming training. However, it is recommended to consider the topics covered, the training provider, and the participant’s existing programming experience to determine if this training is suitable for you.


Modül 1
  • Intro + References
  • Basics
  • Workshop Basics
  • Overloading
  • What can we overload, and how.
  • Extra C++ Types (bool & reference)
  • Workshop overloading
  • OOP
  • Quick introduction to Oop
  • Classes
  • Structs
  • Access Modifiers
  • Constructor
  • default/delete functions
  • initializer syntax / constructor initialization list
  • Workshop classes
  • Memory
  • Classical memory interaction
  • Workshop Memory
Modül 2
  • Inheritance
  • Construction
  • Polymorphism
  • Virtual, pure virtual, abstract, interface
  • Access modifiers
  • Workshop Inheritance (Shapes)
  • Exceptions
  • What are they
  • How do they work
  • What to throw and what to catch
  • Workshop exceptions
  • Memory exhaustion
  • How it’s notified
  • How to handle
  • Modern Memory Management
  • RAII
  • Templates applied to Modern Memory Management (SmartPointer)
  • Standardized C++11 SmartPointers
  • Nullptr
  • Workshop SmartPointers
  • Namespaces
  • Workshop Namespaces
Modül 3
  • Auto
  • The new auto keyword
  • The new auto return syntax
  • enum
  • New style enums
  • constexpr
  • New constant expressions
  • About constness
  • Const and Mutable explained
  • Lambdas & function objects
  • Classes that act like functions
  • Introduction lambda functions
  • Chrono
  • n introduction to the new Chrono library
Modül 4
  • Casting
  • Standard library
  • String
  • Containers
  • Vector (vs)
  • List
  • Map
  • Array
  • Tuple
  • Initializer lists
  • Iterators
  • range-for syntax
  • Std Algorithms
  • Streams
  • Miscellaneous Keywords
  • static
  • explicit
Modül 5
  • Move semantics
  • Introduction to L/R values
  • R-value-references applied to move semantics
  • Type Traits
  • Obtaining information on compile time
  • Concurrency
  • Introduction to C++11’s Threading, async/future and atomic types implementation
  • Variadic templates – An introduction to C++11’s variadic templates

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