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Advanced Angular Training

About the Training

The Advanced Angular Training is an ideal resource for developers who want to learn advanced techniques to develop more complex and effective Angular applications. Designed for those familiar with developing web applications using Angular, this training delves into Angular’s advanced features in depth.

In the first part of the training, we cover the importance and fundamental concepts of Angular’s advanced features and techniques. We explain to participants why these features are critical and how they impact the performance and customizability of Angular applications.

Next, we focus on reactive programming, advanced components, and directives in Angular. Using the RxJS library, we share details on how to create reactive forms and streams. Additionally, we work on advanced concepts such as dynamic component loading and custom directives.

The training also includes techniques for performance optimization and scaling in Angular. Participants learn how to use performance-enhancing techniques such as Lazy Loading, Change Detection, and bundling. This section focuses on optimizing and scaling applications in high-traffic environments.

The Advanced Angular Training also covers how to use Angular for security and accessibility. Participants become familiar with various strategies and best practices to secure their applications.

The training offers the opportunity to work on real-world examples, allowing participants to apply the advanced Angular concepts they have learned in practical projects. This helps to better understand advanced features, performance optimization, and best practices.

The Advanced Angular Training equips participants with the advanced knowledge and skills needed to develop Angular applications more effectively and efficiently.

What Will You Learn?

In the Advanced Angular Training, you will learn:
  • Angular Structure and Component Architecture: Understanding Angular’s structure and component architecture and using them most effectively.
  • Data Flow: Working with server-side data using Angular and understanding data flow in Angular.
  • Forms and Validation: Creating forms in Angular and understanding form validation.
  • Services and Dependency Injection: Using services in Angular and understanding dependency injection.
  • Routing and Navigation: Understanding how to use routing and navigation in Angular.
  • Module Structure: Understanding Angular’s module structure and using it most effectively.
  • Testing: Performing testing with Angular and understanding how to test applications developed with Angular.
  • Other Technologies Working with Angular: Understanding other technologies that work with Angular and learning to work with them.
This training aims to help you use Angular most effectively and improve the performance of applications developed with Angular. The Advanced Angular Training ensures that applications developed with Angular are structured, optimized for performance, and improved in quality according to their size.


To participate in the Advanced Angular Training, the following prerequisites are required:
  • HTML, CSS, and JavaScript: The Advanced Angular training requires an understanding of fundamental web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Basic Angular Concepts: The Advanced Angular training requires an understanding of Angular’s basic concepts. You should have completed basic Angular training or learned Angular’s fundamental concepts through other means.
  • Programming Experience: The Advanced Angular training is intended for those with programming experience. For those without programming experience, it is recommended to first gain programming experience and complete basic Angular training.
These prerequisites will help you get the most out of the training and avoid difficulties you may encounter during the course.

Who Should Attend?

The following individuals are recommended to participate in the Advanced Angular Training:
  • Web developers who want to improve the performance of applications developed with Angular
  • Web developers who have understood Angular’s basic concepts and have experience working with Angular
  • Web developers with experience in developing applications using web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Project managers who plan to develop applications with Angular and need more advanced knowledge and skills
  • Test engineers who want to gain more knowledge and skills in testing and improving the performance of applications developed with Angular
This training is suitable for anyone who wants to enhance the performance of applications developed with Angular and gain more knowledge and skills in Angular application development. The training will be beneficial for those looking to specialize in Angular application development and improve the performance of Angular applications.


RoutAdvanced ing
  • Lazy Loading
  • Preloading Modules
  • Diagnostic with traces
  • Auxiliary routes
  • Routes Transitions
  • Protect routes access with Guards
  • Route Resolver
  • Setting metadata for SEO
  • Router events
Complex Error Handling
  • Global Error Handler
  • Managing different types of errors: Code, Navigation, Http
  • Error Service, offline mode and log to server
  • Http Errors Interceptor with auto retry for failed requests
  • Notification Service: using an RxJS Subject to stream messages and display toast notifications
Optimizing performance
  • Exploring different techniques to improve your apps and make them run fast and smooth:
  • Bundling, Minification, dead code elimination, enableProdMode()
  • Performance for Data Binding with OnPush
  • Profiling an app performance
  • Web Workers to improve responsiveness
  • Profiling runtime performance
  • Using bundle analyzer
  • Virtual Scrolling
  • Improve ngFor with trackBy
  • Caching with Service Worker
  • Progressive Web App (PWA)
Advanced RxJS
  • RxJS and Reactive Programming
  • Data Composition with Observables
  • Most important RxJS operators
  • Using Subjects (BehaviorSubject, ReplaySubject)
  • Introduction to Higher-order Mapping Operators (switchMap, flatMap, …)
Modern State Management with Redux and ngrx
  • Why Redux ?
  • Introduction to the ngrx platform
  • Setting up ngrx store
  • Stateful vs stateless components
  • Immutability and performance
  • Ngrx error handling
  • Managing the router state in the store
  • Async actions with ngrx effects
  • Removing boilerplate with ngrx entity
  • Live debugging and time travelling with ngrx DevTools
  • NgRx Data
Angular Universal
  • Improving performances and SEO
  • Server-Side Rendering
  • Static Site Generation
Overview of Scully (Jamstack)

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