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Certified Chief Information Security Officer (CCISO) Eğitimi

Siber Güvenlik Eğitimleri Certified Cybersecurity Technician (C|CT) Eğitimi

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Certified Chief Information Security Officer (CCISO) eğitimi, bilgi güvenliği alanında liderlik yapmak isteyen profesyoneller için özel olarak tasarlanmıştır. Bu nedenle, kapsamlı ve çok boyutlu bir programdır. Bu eğitim, bireylerin organizasyonlarında bilgi güvenliği stratejisi oluşturma, uygulama ve yönetme becerilerini geliştirmek amacıyla hazırlanmıştır. CCISO eğitimi; bilgi güvenliği yönetimi, risk yönetimi, stratejik planlama, uyumluluk, operasyonel güvenlik, kriz yönetimi ve daha fazlası gibi bir dizi önemli konuya odaklanır.

Bilgi güvenliği liderliği, bir organizasyonun verilerini koruma ve iş sürekliliğini sağlama konusunda kilit bir rol oynar. Bu bağlamda, CCISO eğitimi, katılımcılara siber saldırılara karşı savunma stratejileri oluşturma konusu son derece önemlidir. Bunun yanı sıra, güvenlik politikaları ve prosedürlerini tasarlama konuları önem taşır. Bununla birlikte, riskleri değerlendirme ve azaltma, uyumluluk gereksinimlerini karşılama ve organizasyonun genel güvenlik kültürünü geliştirme konularında derinlemesine bilgi ve pratiğe dayalı beceriler kazandırır. Bu şekilde, katılımcılar güvenlik açıklarını tespit edebilir, riskleri değerlendirebilir ve organizasyonlarının güvenlik seviyesini artırabilirler.

Özellikle, risk yönetimi modülleri, katılımcılara potansiyel tehditleri ve zafiyetleri değerlendirme becerileri üzerinde durur. Bununla birlikte, riskleri azaltma stratejileri belirleme ve acil durum planları oluşturma becerileri sağlar. Uyumluluk modülleri ise, ulusal ve uluslararası düzenlemeleri ve bunları sürdürmeyi kapsar.

Certified Chief Information Security Officer (CCISO) eğitimi, gerçek dünya senaryolarına dayalı pratik çalışmalardır. Katılımcılar, bu çalışmalar sayesinde karşılaşılan zorluklara yönelik pratik çözümler geliştirmeyi öğrenir. Aynı zamanda teorik bilgileri gerçek yaşam uygulamalarıyla pekiştirirler.

CCISO sertifikasyonu, bilgi güvenliği liderleri ve profesyonelleri için prestijli ve değerli bir unvandır. Bu sertifikasyon, sahiplerine sektörde tanınma ve saygınlık kazandırır. CCISO eğitimini başarıyla tamamlayan bireyler, bilgi güvenliği alanında liderlik yapma becerilerine sahip olur. Ayrıca, stratejik düşünme, etkili karar alma ve organizasyonel güvenlik programlarını başarıyla yönetme yeteneklerine sahip olurlar.

Son olarak, CCISO eğitimi ve sertifikasyonu, bilgi güvenliği alanında kariyer yapmak ve liderlik pozisyonlarına yükselmek isteyenler için önemli bir adımı temsil eder.

Neler Öğreneceksiniz?

  • Certified Chief Information Security Officer (CCISO) eğitimi, bilgi güvenliği liderleri için tasarlanmış bir programdır. Bu eğitimde aşağıdaki konular üzerinde derinlemesine bilgi ve beceriler kazanabilirsiniz:
  • Bilgi Güvenliği Stratejisi ve Planlama: Organizasyonunuz için etkili bir bilgi güvenliği stratejisi oluşturmayı öğrenirsiniz. Risk analizi, tehdit değerlendirmesi ve güvenlik hedeflerini belirleme gibi süreçleri yönetme becerilerinizi geliştirirsiniz. Ayrıca, güvenlik politikaları, standartlar ve prosedürlerin oluşturulması ve uygulanması konularında bilgi edinirsiniz.
  • Risk Yönetimi: Bilgi güvenliği risklerini değerlendirmeyi ve azaltmayı öğrenirsiniz. Risk analizi ve risk yönetimi tekniklerini kullanarak, organizasyonunuzun güvenlik açıklarını tespit eder, değerlendirir ve risklere karşı etkili bir şekilde önlemler alırsınız.
  • Kurumsal Güvenlik Programı Yönetimi: Organizasyonunuzda bir kurumsal güvenlik programı oluşturmayı ve yönetmeyi öğrenirsiniz. Güvenlik politikalarının ve prosedürlerinin oluşturulması, güvenlik bilinci ve eğitimi, personel yönetimi ve dış kaynak yönetimi gibi konular üzerinde çalışırsınız.
  • Uyumluluk ve Yasa ve Yönetmeliklere Uyum: Bilgi güvenliği uyumluluk gereksinimlerini anlarsınız ve organizasyonunuzun bu gereksinimlere uyumunu sağlamak için stratejiler geliştirirsiniz. Yasa ve yönetmeliklere uyum süreçleri hakkında bilgi edinirsiniz.
  • Kriz Yönetimi ve Olay Müdahalesi: Kriz durumlarında etkili bir şekilde yanıt verebilme ve olay müdahalesi süreçlerini yönetme becerilerinizi geliştirirsiniz. İnciden yanıt planlaması, kriz iletişimi, felaket kurtarma ve iş sürekliliği gibi konuları öğrenirsiniz.
  • Bu eğitim, bilgi güvenliği liderlerinin organizasyonlarında bilgi güvenliği stratejilerini oluşturmak, riskleri yönetmek, uyumluluk sağlamak ve kriz durumlarına etkili bir şekilde müdahale etmek için gereken bilgi ve becerileri sağlar.

Ön Koşullar

  • Deneyim ve Uygun Pozisyon: CCISO eğitimi, bilgi güvenliği liderliği pozisyonunda çalışan profesyoneller için tasarlanmıştır. Bu nedenle, eğitime katılmadan önce en az beş yıl deneyime ve bilgi güvenliği yönetiminde liderlik pozisyonunda çalışmış olmanız beklenir.
  • Bilgi Güvenliği Alanındaki Bilgi ve Beceriler: CCISO eğitimi, bilgi güvenliği konularında temel bir anlayışa sahip olmanızı bekler. Bilgi güvenliği politikaları, standartları, risk yönetimi, uyumluluk gereksinimleri, olay müdahalesi ve güvenlik mimarisi gibi konularda bir temel bilgiye sahip olmanız faydalıdır.
  • Diğer Sertifikalar: Eğitime katılmadan önce belirli sertifikaların tamamlanmasını gerektirebilir. Örneğin, Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) sertifikasına sahip olmanız veya benzer bir sertifikaya sahip olmanız istenebilir.
  • Bu, genel olarak CCISO eğitimine katılmak için beklenen ön koşulların bir özetidir. Ancak, CCISO eğitimini sunan kuruluşun belirlediği spesifik ön koşulları kontrol etmek önemlidir, çünkü gereksinimler farklı kuruluşlar arasında değişebilir. Eğitim sağlayıcının belirlediği ön koşulları karşıladığınızdan emin olmanız önerilir.

Kimler Katılmalı

  • Bilgi Güvenliği Yöneticileri: Bilgi güvenliği departmanında liderlik yapmak veya bilgi güvenliği yönetimi konularında deneyimlerini geliştirmek isteyen mevcut CISO’lar veya bilgi güvenliği yöneticileri CCISO eğitimine katılabilir.
  • Bilgi Güvenliği Uzmanları: Bilgi güvenliği alanında uzmanlaşmış profesyoneller, bilgi güvenliği yönetimi ve liderlik becerilerini geliştirmek için CCISO eğitimine katılabilir. Bu eğitim, bilgi güvenliği uzmanlarının daha stratejik bir perspektif kazanmalarına yardımcı olur.
  • IT Yöneticileri: IT departmanında liderlik yapan veya bilgi güvenliği yönetimi konusunda bilgi sahibi olmak isteyen IT yöneticileri CCISO eğitimine katılabilir. Bu eğitim, IT yöneticilerine bilgi güvenliği konularında daha derin bir anlayış sağlar.
  • Bilgi Güvenliği Danışmanları: Bilgi güvenliği danışmanları, müşterilerine güvenlik stratejileri ve yönetiminde rehberlik etmek isteyenler C|CISO eğitimine katılabilir. Bu eğitim, danışmanların müşterilerine daha iyi hizmet sunmalarını sağlar.
  • Bilgi Güvenliği Kariyerine Yönelenler: Bilgi güvenliği alanında kariyer yapmayı hedefleyen ve bilgi güvenliği liderlik pozisyonlarına ilgi duyan yeni mezunlar veya profesyoneller CCISO eğitimine katılarak bilgi ve becerilerini geliştirebilirler.
  • Bu, CCISO eğitimine kimlerin katılması gerektiği konusunda genel bir kılavuzdur. Ancak, herhangi biri bilgi güvenliği liderliği konusunda ilgi ve motivasyona sahipse, bu eğitime katılarak bilgi ve becerilerini geliştirebilirler.


Governance, Risk, Compliance Governance
  • Define, implement, manage and maintain an information security governance program that includes leadership, organizational structures, and processes.
  • Align information security governance framework with organizational goals and governance, i.e., leadership style, philosophy, values, standards, and policies.
  • Establish information security management structure.
  • Establish a framework for information security governance monitoring (considering cost/benefits analyses of controls and ROI).
  • Understand standards, procedures, directives, policies, regulations, and legal issues that affect the information security program.
  • Understand the enterprise information security compliance prog
Risk Management
  • Create a risk management program policy and charter
  • Create a risk assessment methodology and framework
  • Create and manage risk register
  • Create risk assessment schedule and checklists
  • Create risk reporting metrics and processes
  • Analyze and understand common external laws, regulations, standards, best practices applicable to the organization, and organizational ethics.
  • Be familiar with international security and risk standards such as ISO 27000 and 31000 series
  • Implement and manage information security strategies, plans, policies, and procedures to reduce regulatory risk
  • Understand the importance of regulatory information security organizations and appropriate industry groups and stakeholders
  • Understand information security changes, trends, and best practices
  • Understand and manage enterprise compliance program controls, information security compliance process and procedures, compliance auditing, and certification programs
  • Understand the information security compliance process and procedures
  • Compile, analyze, and report compliance programs
  • Understand the compliance auditing and cortication programs
  • Follow organizational ethics
Information Security Controls and Audit Management Information Security Management Controls
  • Identify the organization’s operational process and objectives
  • Design information systems controls in alignment with the operational needs and goals and conduct testing prior to implementation to ensure effectiveness
  • Identify and select the resources required to effectively implement and maintain information systems controls. Such resources can include human capital, information, infrastructure, and architecture (e.g., platforms, operating systems, networks, databases, applications)
  • Design and implement information systems controls to mitigate risk. Monitor and document the information systems control performance in meeting organizational objectives by identifying and measuring metrics and key performance indicators
  • Design and conduct testing of information security controls to ensure effectiveness, discover deficiencies, and ensure alignment with the organization’s risk management program
  • Design and implement processes to appropriately remediate deficiencies and evaluate problem management practices to ensure that errors are recorded, analyzed, and resolved in a timely manner
  • Assess and implement tools and techniques to automate information systems control processes.
  • Measure, manage, and report on security control implementation and effectiveness
  Audit Management
  • Understand the IT audit process and be familiar with IT audit standards
  • Apply information systems audit principles, skills and techniques in reviewing and testing information systems technology and applications to design and implement a thorough risk-based IT audit strategy
  • Execute the audit process in accordance with established standards and interpret results against defined criteria to ensure that the information systems are protected, controlled and effective in supporting organization’s objectives
  • Evaluate audit results, weighing the relevancy, accuracy, and perspective of conclusions against the accumulated audit evidence
  • Assess the exposures resulting from ineffective or missing control practices and formulate a practical and cost-effective plan to improve those areas
  • Develop an IT audit documentation process and share reports with relevant stakeholders as the basis for decisionmaking
  • Ensure that the necessary changes based on the audit findings are effectively implemented in a timely manner
Security Program Management & Operations Security Program Management
  • For each information systems project develop a clear project scope statement in alignment with organizational objectives
  • Define activities needed to successfully execute the information systems program, estimate activity duration, and develop a schedule and staffing plan
  • Develop, manage and monitor the information systems program budget, estimate and control costs of individual projects
  • Identify, negotiate, acquire and manage the resources needed for successful Tasarımı ve Uygulaması of the information systems program (e.g., people, infrastructure, and architecture)
  • Acquire, develop and manage information security project team
  • Assign clear information security personnel job functions and provide continuous training to ensure effective performance and accountability
  • Direct information security personnel and establish communications, and team activities, between the information systems team and other security-related personnel (e.g., technical support, incident management, security engineering)
Security Program Operations
  • Resolve personnel and teamwork issues within time, cost, and quality constraints
  • Identify, negotiate and manage vendor agreement and community
  • Participate with vendors and stakeholders to review/assess recommended solutions; identify incompatibilities, challenges, or issues with proposed solutions
  • Evaluate the project management practices and controls to determine whether business requirements are achieved in a cost-effective manner while managing risks to the organization
  • Develop a plan to continuously measure the effectiveness of the information systems projects to ensure optimal system performance
  • Identify stakeholders, manage stakeholders’ expectations, and communicate effectively to report progress and performance
  • Ensure that necessary changes and improvements to the information systems processes are implemented as required
Information Security Core Competencies Access Control
  • Identify the criteria for mandatory and discretionary access control, understand the different factors that help in implementation of access controls and design an access control plan
  • Implement and manage an access control plan in alignment with the basic principles that govern the access control systems such as need-to-know
  • Identify different access control systems such as ID cards and biometrics
  • Understand the importance of warning banners for implementing access rules
  • Develop procedures to ensure system users are aware of their IA responsibilities before granting access to the information systems
Social Engineering, Phishing Attacks, Identity Theft
  • Understand various social engineering concepts and their role in insider attacks and develop best practices to counter social engineering attacks
  • Design a response plan to identity theft incidences
  • Identify and design a plan to overcome phishing attacks
Physical Security
  • Identify standards, procedures, directives, policies, regulations, and laws for physical security
  • Determine the value of physical assets and the impact if unavailable
  • Design, implement and manage a comprehensive, coordinated, and holistic physical security plan to ensure overall organizational security including an audit schedule and performance metrics
Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity Planning
  • Develop, implement, and monitor business continuity, business recovery, contingency planning, and disaster recovery plans in case of disruptive events and ensure alignment with organizational goals and objectives
  • Direct contingency planning, operations, and programs to manage risk
  • Design documentation process as part of the continuity of operations program
  • Design and execute a testing and updating plan for the continuity of operations program
  • Understand the importance of integration of IA requirements into the Continuity of Operations Plan (COOP).
Firewall, IDS/IPS and Network Defense Systems
  • Understand and manage network cloud security
  • Identify the appropriate intrusion detection and prevention systems for organizational information security
  • Design and develop a program to monitor firewalls and identify firewall configuration issues
  • Understand perimeter defense systems such as grid sensors and access control lists on routers, firewalls, and other network devices
  • Identify the basic network architecture, models, protocols and components such as routers and hubs that play a role in network security
  • Understand the concept of network segmentation
  • Manage DMZs, VPN and telecommunication technologies such as PBX and VoIP
  • Identify network vulnerabilities and explore network security controls such as use of SSL and TLS for transmission security
  • Support, monitor, test, and troubleshoot issues with hardware and software
  • Manage accounts, network rights, and access to systems and equipment
Wireless Security
  • Identify vulnerability and attacks associated with wireless networks and manage different wireless network security tools
Virus, Trojans and Malware, and other Malicious Code Threats
  • Assess the threat of virus, Trojan and malware to organizational security and identify sources and mediums of malware infection
  • Deploy and manage anti-virus systems
  • Develop process to counter virus, Trojan, and malware threats including training both security teams and non-security teams on secure development processes
Secure Coding Best Practices and Securing Web Applications
  • Develop and maintain software assurance programs in alignment with the secure coding principles and each phase of System Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
  • Understand various system-engineering practices
  • Configure and run tools that help in developing secure programs
  • Understand software vulnerability analysis techniques including static code, dynamic code, and software composition analysis.
  • Install and operate the IT systems in a test configuration manner that does not alter the program code or compromise security safeguards
  • Identify web application vulnerabilities and attacks and web application security tools to counter attacks
OS Hardening
  • Identify various OS vulnerabilities and attacks and develop a plan for hardening OS systems
  • Understand system logs, patch management process and configuration management for information system security
Encryption Technologies
  • Understand the concept of encryption and decryption, digital certificates, public key infrastructure and the key differences between cryptography and steganography
  • Identify the different components of a cryptosystem
  • Develop a plan for information security encryption techniques
Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing
  • Design, develop and implement a penetration testing program based on penetration testing methodology to ensure organizational security
  • Identify different vulnerabilities associated with information systems and legal issues involved in penetration testing
  • Develop pre and post testing procedures
  • Develop a plan for pen test reporting and implementation of technical vulnerability corrections
  • Develop vulnerability management systems
Threat Management
  • Create and manage a threat management program including threat intelligence, thirdparty threats, and security bulletins regarding hardware and software, particularly open-source software
Incident Response and Computer Forensics
  • Develop a plan to identify a potential security violation and take appropriate action to report the incident
  • Comply with system termination procedures and incident reporting requirements related to potential security incidents or actual breaches
  • Assess potential security violations to determine if the network security policies have been breached, assess the impact, and preserve evidence
  • Diagnose and resolve IA problems in response to reported incidents
  • Design incident response procedures including testing, table top exercises, and playbooks
  • Develop guidelines to determine whether a security incident is indicative of a violation of law that requires special legal action
  • Identify the volatile and persistent system information
  • Set up and manage forensic labs and programs
  • Understand various digital media devices, e-discovery principles and practices and different file systems
  • Develop and manage an organizational digital forensic program
  • Establish, develop and manage forensic investigation teams
  • Design investigation processes such as evidence collection, imaging, data acquisition, and analysis
  • Identify the best practices to acquire, store and process digital evidence
  • Configure and use various forensic investigation tools
  • Design anti-forensic techniques
Application Security
  • 6.1  Secure SDLC Model
  • 6.2  Separation of Development, Test, and Production Environments
  • 6.3 Application Security Testing Approaches
  •  6.4 DevSecOps
  • 6.5 Waterfall Methodology and Security
  • 6.6 Agile Methodology and Security
  • 6.7 Other Application Development Approaches
  • 6.8 Application Hardening
  • 6.9 Application Security Technologies
  • 6.10 Version Control and Patch Management
  • 6.11 Database Security
  • 6.12 Database Hardening
  • 6.13 Secure Coding Practices
Virtualization Security
  • 8.1 Virtualization Overview
  • 8.2 Virtualization Risks
  • 8.3 Virtualization Security Concerns
  • 8.4 Virtualization Security Controls
  • 8.5 Virtualization Security Reference Model
Cloud Computing Security
  • 9.1 Overview of Cloud Computing
  • 9.2 Security and Resiliency Cloud Services
  • 9.3 Cloud Security Concerns
  • 9.4 Cloud Security Controls
  • 9.5 Cloud Computing Protection Considerations
Transformative Technologies
  • 10.1 Artificial Intelligence
  • 10.2 Augmented Reality
  • 10.3 Autonomous SOC
  • 10.4 Dynamic Deception
  • 10.5 Software-Defined Cybersecurity
Strategic Planning, Finance, Procurement, and Third-Party Management Strategic Planning
  • Design, develop and maintain enterprise information security architecture (EISA) by aligning business processes, IT software and hardware, local and wide area networks, people, operations, and projects with the organization’s overall security strategy
  • Perform external analysis of the organization (e.g., analysis of customers, competitors, markets and industry environment) and internal analysis (risk management, organizational capabilities, performance measurement etc.) and utilize them to align information security program with organization’s objectives
  • Identify and consult with key stakeholders to ensure understanding of organization’s objectives
  • Define a forward-looking, visionary and innovative strategic plan for the role of the information security program with clear goals, objectives and targets that support the operational needs of the organization
  • Define key performance indicators and measure effectiveness on continuous basis
  • Assess and adjust security resources to ensure they support the organization’s strategic objectives
  • Monitor and update activities to ensure accountability and progress
  • Analyze, forecast and develop the operational budget of the security department
  • Acquire and manage the necessary resources for implementation and management of information security plan
  • Allocate financial resources to projects, processes and units within information security program
  • Monitor and oversee cost management of information security projects, return on investment (ROI) of key purchases related to IT infrastructure and security and ensure alignment with the strategic plan
  • Identify and report financial metrics to stakeholders
  • Balance the IT security investment portfolio based on EISA considerations and enterprise security priorities
  • Understand the acquisition life cycle and determine the importance of procurement by performing Business Impact Analysis
  • Identify different procurement strategies and understand the importance of costbenefit analysis during procurement of an information system
  • Understand the basic procurement concepts such as Statement of Objectives (SOO), Statement of Work (SOW), and Total Cost of Ownership (TCO)
  • Collaborate with various stakeholders (which may include internal client, lawyers, IT security professionals, privacy professionals, security engineers, suppliers, and others) on the procurement of IT security products and services
  • Include risk-based security requirements in acquisition plans, cost estimates, statements of work, contracts, and evaluation factors for award, service level agreements, and other pertinent procurement documents
  • Design vendor selection process and management policy
  • Develop contract administration policies that direct the evaluation and acceptance of delivered IT security products and services under a contract, as well as the security evaluation of IT and software being procured
  • Develop measures and reporting standards to measure and report on key objectives in procurements aligned with IT security policies and procedures
  • Understand the IA security requirements to be included in statements of work and other appropriate procurement documents
Third Party Management
  • Design third party selection process
  • Design third party management policy, metrics, and processes
  • Design and manage the third party assessment process including ongoing compliance management
  • Develop measures and reporting standards to measure and report on key objectives in procurements aligned with IT security policies and procedures
  • Include risk-based security requirements in acquisition plans, cost estimates, statements of work, contracts, and evaluation factors for award, service level agreements, and other pertinent procurement documents
  • Understand the security, privacy, and compliance requirements to be included in Statements of Work (SOW), Master Service Agreements (MSA), and other appropriate procurement documents

Eğitim Talep Formu

Siber Güvenlik Eğitimleri Certified Cybersecurity Technician (C|CT) Eğitimi

Executive Management Eğitimi

Executive Management Eğitimi Executive Management Eğitimli, üst düzey yöneticilere liderlik, strateji geliştirme ve işletme yönetimi konularında bilgi ve beceriler sağlayan bir eğitim serisidir. Bu eğitimler,

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