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Introduction to Vue.js Training

About the Training

Introduction to Vue.js Training comprehensively covers the fundamental features of the Vue.js JavaScript framework, which has gained significant attention in the world of front-end web development. The training introduces participants to the component-based structure of Vue.js, reactive data binding, modern web application development techniques, and more.

The first part of the Introduction to Vue.js Training focuses on the history of Vue.js, how it emerged, and the reasons behind its popularity. Information is provided about the Vue.js ecosystem, community support, and how it compares to other JavaScript frameworks. This section helps participants understand the core philosophy of Vue.js and its place in the industry.

Next, we focus on the fundamental building blocks of Vue.js. The component-based structure forms the foundation of how Vue.js applications are organized. Participants learn how components are created, how they interact with each other, and how they simplify complex applications. Concepts such as the Vue instance, data, methods, and lifecycle events are also covered in this section.

The data binding section focuses on the reactive nature of Vue.js. Participants learn how data changes are automatically reflected in the interface and how features like computed properties and watchers can be used effectively to manage them.

In the Vue CLI section, we demonstrate how to quickly and efficiently start and configure a project using this powerful tool. We also explore the advanced features offered by Vue CLI.

The form validation and data filtering sections delve into how applications handle user inputs and how data is filtered and sorted.

The concepts of routing and state management provide fundamental knowledge on how to develop single-page applications (SPA) with Vue.js. Topics like using Vue Router, nested routes, and lazy loading are discussed.

Finally, we focus on performance optimization, how to test applications, and deployment processes.

Upon completing this training, participants will have a solid foundation in developing modern, interactive web applications with Vue.js. This training is highly valuable for anyone looking to advance their career, take their projects to the next level, and be more competitive in the front-end development world.

What Will You Learn?

During the training, participants will learn the following:
  • Basic concepts of Vue.js: Components, templates, data binding, updates, and Vue instance.
  • Vue CLI: Project setup, configuration, and using plugins.
  • Component Structure: Defining components, data and methods, component communication, and lifecycle methods.
  • Data Management: State and props, data binding, computed properties, and watch.
  • Event Handling: Defining and calling events, interacting with form elements.
  • Directives: V-for, v-if, v-bind, v-on, and custom directives.
  • Filters: Formatting data and replacing the previous structure.
  • Form Validation: Interaction with form elements, validation rules, and error messages.
  • Routing: Page transitions and parameter passing using Vue Router.
After learning these topics, participants will be able to develop web applications using Vue.js and explore the full potential of Vue.js.


  • To participate in the Introduction to Vue.js Training, you should first have knowledge of basic concepts in JavaScript programming languages and web applications. Additionally, having strong coding skills in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript will help you make the most of the training. It will also be beneficial to have a basic understanding of the tools and technologies used during the course.

Who Should Attend?

  • The Introduction to Vue.js Training is suitable for anyone interested in web development and JavaScript programming languages, those who want to create web applications, or those looking to improve their skills in this field. Additionally, individuals with experience in web design and front-end development can use this training to enhance their skills in Vue.js. Full-stack developers who want to modernize and make their existing web applications more interactive, front-end developers who wish to explore the powerful and flexible structure of Vue.js, and mobile application developers working with JavaScript-based technologies will also find this training beneficial. Thanks to the practical examples and applications provided during the course, participants will have the opportunity to apply theoretical concepts in practice.


Introduction and Setup
  • Introductions
  • Verifying installation
  • JavaScript and npm
  • IDE
  • Git
  • Class repository
  • What is JavaScript?
  • What does Vue do for me?
  • Fundamental concepts in Vue.js
Including Vue on a page
  • Reactive rendering
  • JavaScript instance
  • Examples and components
  • Vue CLI
  • Vue devtools
  • Components and Examples
Vue Instance
  • Example data with the data property
  • Actions with the method property
  • Adding methods to events
  • Lifecycle methods
  • Vue components
  • Differences with the Vue instance
  • Changes in the data property
  • Changes in methods
  • When to use components and when to use an instance?
  • Single File Component
  • Testing in JavaScript
  • Testing instances
  • Testing against components
  • Rendering a variable in a template
  • Binding attributes
  • Binding events
  • Testing templates
  • Optimization with computed properties
  • When to use computed properties vs data?
  • Interactions between computed data and methods
  • Watching changes
  • Testing watchers
Working with Components
  • Registering components
  • Global and local registration
  • Module systems
  • Registering common components
  • Props
  • Passing props to a component
  • Property types
  • Validating props
  • Testing props
  • Attribute inheritance
Event Handling
  • Inline and method handlers
  • Testing event handling
  • Event modifiers
  • Capturing keyboard events
Custom Events
  • Custom event concepts
  • Naming custom events
  • Connecting custom events to local events
  • Using .sync
Control Structures
  • Conditional statements with v-if
  • v-else
  • v-else-if
  • Hiding and showing with v-show
  • v-show vs v-if
  • Testing conditions
  • Loops with v-for
  • Basic v-for
  • State management and watching changes
  • Sorting and filtering
  • Testing loops
CSS Bindings
  • Binding CSS classes
  • Object syntax
  • Array syntax
  • Controlling CSS with tests
  • Binding inline CSS styles
  • Object syntax
  • Array syntax
Working with Forms
  • Using v-model
  • Specific form controls
  • Text fields
  • Checkboxes and radio buttons
  • Selects / Dropdowns
  • Multiline text areas
  • Testing form controls
  • Modifiers for v-model
  • Forms and custom events
  • What is a slot and what is it used for?
  • The v-slot attribute
  • Sharing data across slots
  • Scoped slots
  • Managing content with slots
  • Named slots
  • Dynamic names
  • Testing slot behavior

Training Request Form

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