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Node.js for JavaScript Developers Training

About the Training

The Node.js for JavaScript Developers Training is a comprehensive program designed to teach web developers the server-side applications of JavaScript and how to develop modern web applications using Node.js. Node.js allows JavaScript to run on the server side, enabling developers to use the same language on both the client and server sides.

In the first part of the training, we focus on the fundamentals of Node.js. Participants learn what Node.js is, its advantages, and its core features. This stage includes a refresher on JavaScript fundamentals, along with topics such as asynchronous programming, modules, and package management.

In the second part, we cover how to build basic web servers. We teach dynamic web application development using popular libraries like Express.js. The training also includes database integration, specifically how to work with MongoDB and Node.js.

The training also covers the development of RESTful APIs. Topics such as security, performance, and best practices are explored, along with techniques to secure Node.js applications, optimize performance, and increase scalability.

Projects and real-world examples are an important part of the training. We provide students with various projects to practice what they’ve learned. This helps students apply their skills in real-world scenarios.

The Node.js for JavaScript Developers Training is ideal for anyone who knows JavaScript and aims to do server-side development or enter the full-stack web development field. Suitable for both beginners and experienced developers, this training equips participants with the skills needed to effectively develop modern web applications and gain a deep understanding of the Node.js ecosystem.

Click here to explore more of our JavaScript, Node.js, and Full-Stack Web Development trainings.

Click here to explore all of our JavaScript and Front-End Web Development trainings.

What Will You Learn?

The Node.js for JavaScript Developers training covers how JavaScript developers can use the Node.js platform and develop server-side applications with JavaScript. The training may include the fundamental functionalities of Node.js, its APIs, as well as the use of npm (Node Package Manager) and the application development process. The training may also cover topics such as data management with Node.js, making HTTP requests between server and client, websockets and real-time applications, using middleware and Express.js, templating engines, and database connections. Additionally, the course may explore Node.js performance and security features, configuration options, and application deployment.


  • The Node.js for JavaScript Developers training is suitable for developers who have a good understanding of JavaScript and want to develop server-side applications. The training may also be an appropriate option for those with beginner to intermediate-level JavaScript knowledge. Participants considering this training should understand and apply programming principles and the fundamentals of web development.
  • Additionally, participants should have knowledge of how server-side applications work, the basic features of the HTTP protocol, and database concepts. The training may also be beneficial for those who have previously worked with another server-side language (e.g., PHP, Python, Ruby), but a detailed understanding of JavaScript is essential.

Who Should Attend?

The Node.js for JavaScript Developers training may be suitable for the following individuals:
  • Developers with a strong knowledge of JavaScript
  • Developers who want to build server-side applications
  • Those with beginner or intermediate-level JavaScript knowledge
  • Individuals who understand and apply programming principles and the fundamentals of web development
  • Those with knowledge of how server-side applications work, the HTTP protocol, and database concepts
  • Individuals who have previously worked with another server-side language (e.g., PHP, Python, Ruby)
Anyone considering this training should have a detailed understanding of JavaScript.


Intro to Node.js
  • RAM I/O latency
  • Blocking Non-Blocking
  • Event-driven Programming
  • Event Loop
  • Blocking The Event Loop
  • js Philosophy

Node.js Platform Setup

  • Download and Install
  • Node REPL
  • First Hello World
Modules and npm
  • Anatomy of a module
  • Private code
  • Accessing and using modules
  • npm commands
  • json
The Callback Pattern
  • What are callbacks
  • Callback-last
  • Error-first
  • When to use Event Emitters
  • Binding Functions to Events
  • Event Requests
  • Event Listening
Error Handling
  • Callbacks: Error-first
  • Errors in Event Emitters
  • Uncaught Exceptions
  • Using Domains
  • Why Buffers exist
  • Creating Buffers
  • Reading and Writing Buffers
  • Manipulating Buffers
  • What are streams
  • Read and Write Stream API
  • Flow Control
  • Piping
  • Duplex Stream
  • Transform Stream
  • Intro and Installing js
  • Building a Hello Express application
  • Creating routes
  • Rendering Layouts
  • Using templates
  • Adding partials
  • Using locals and conditional templates
  • Modularizing routes
  • Listening for
  • Broadcasting
  • Answering questions
Connecting to Databases
  • No SQL and Document Stores
  • Relational DBs
  • Configuration and platform setup
  • CRUD Operations

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