Introduction to ASP.NET Core Development using React with Redux Training

About the Training

The “Introduction to ASP.NET Core Development using React with Redux Training” offers a comprehensive education focused on developing modern web applications using ASP.NET Core and React/Redux. This training covers the fundamental concepts and beginner-level skills of these technologies.

The training teaches the core features of ASP.NET Core and React/Redux, including application design, performance optimization, security, and other key concepts. Participants enhance their knowledge of these topics through real-world examples and projects.

Additionally, this training covers the tools and technologies used in the design and development of web applications with ASP.NET Core and React/Redux. Participants learn how to manage essential features like data processing, performance optimization, application design, and security. They also understand how to design and manage web applications using ASP.NET Core and React/Redux.

The “Introduction to ASP.NET Core Development using React with Redux Training” covers all the fundamental aspects of designing and managing modern web applications. Participants gain the basic skills needed before starting to design and develop effective web applications.

The training program begins with the basics of ASP.NET Core and React/Redux. Participants learn fundamental concepts such as application design, performance optimization, and security. They also gain insight into how ASP.NET Core and React/Redux play a role in the design and management of web applications. This knowledge forms the essential building blocks that participants will need in the web application design process.

The training focuses on ASP.NET Core, React/Redux, and related key features and components. This provides participants with essential skills in areas like data processing, application design, and security. The course content covers basic topics like application design and management.

Finally, the training provides information on how to develop a web application based on ASP.NET Core and React/Redux. This process includes designing the application, conducting tests, and ultimately developing the web application using ASP.NET Core and React/Redux. This knowledge helps participants successfully design and develop web applications with ASP.NET Core and React/Redux.

What Will You Learn?

In the Introduction to ASP.NET Core Development using React with Redux training, you will learn the following:
  • Understanding the basic functionalities and structure of the ASP.NET Core framework
  • Developing ASP.NET Core web applications using React with Redux
  • Creating, rendering, and managing the state of React components
  • Using ASP.NET Core APIs for data access
  • Gaining knowledge of state management and dispatch mechanisms in React with Redux
  • Developing performant and flexible web applications with React with Redux
This training aims to equip participants with the skills to develop advanced web applications by combining ASP.NET Core and React with Redux technologies and prepares them to use these technologies effectively.


To participate in the Introduction to ASP.NET Core Development using React with Redux training, the following prerequisites should be met:
  • Basic web development skills and experience with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Fundamental understanding of .NET Core and React technologies
  • Familiarity with Object Oriented Programming (OOP) concepts
This training aims to equip participants with the ability to develop advanced web applications by combining ASP.NET Core and React with Redux technologies. The training includes both theoretical knowledge and practical examples and exercises to reinforce the concepts learned.

Who Should Attend?

  The Introduction to ASP.NET Core Development using React with Redux training is suitable for the following professionals:
  • Web Developers
  • Developers who plan to use or have just started using ASP.NET Core and React
  • Developers with advanced web application development skills
  • Front-end and back-end developers
  • Professionals who wish to participate in the development of large-scale web applications
This training aims to help developers build more efficient and high-quality web applications by using ASP.NET Core and React with Redux together. The course will enhance the existing skills of professionals and enable them to develop more advanced web applications.


  • Installation
  • Version Management
  • Command-Line Interface (CLI)
  • Hello World Application
  • Using Visual Studio Code for C# Coding
  • Optional: Using Visual Studio 2019 for C# Coding
  • Optional: Using Visual Studio for Mac for C# Coding
ASP.NET Core Application Architecture
  • NuGet Packages and Metapackages
  • Application Startup
      • Hosting Environments
      • Middleware and the Request Processing Pipeline
      • Services and Dependency Injection
Application Configuration
  • Configure and ConfigureServices
  • Configuration Providers and Sources
  • Configuration API
  • Options Pattern
  • HTTPS, GDPR, and HTTP/2
Request Routing
  • RESTful Services
  • Endpoint Routing
  • Attribute-Based Routing
  • Route Templates
  • Route Constraints
  • Persistence Ignorance
  • Object-Relational Mapping
  • Entity Framework (EF) Core
  • Automapper
  • Responsibilities
  • Requirements and Conventions
  • Dependencies
  • Action Results
Web APIs
  • Introduction
  • CRUD Operations
  • Bad Requests
  • Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)
Application State
  • Client-Side Server-Side
  • Items
  • Session State
Error Handling
  • Best Practices
  • HTTP Error Status Codes
  • Status Code Pages
  • Developer Exception Page
  • Exception Filters
  • Configuration
  • ILogger
  • Serilog and Seq
  • Unit Testing
  • xUnit
      • Testing Controllers
      • Integration Testing
Introduction to React and Redux
  • What is React?
  • What problem does React solve?
  • Development Ecosystem
  • React versus other frameworks
Development Tools
  • Create React App project generator
  • React Developer Tools
  • Running and Debugging a React Application
  • Role of js
  • Purpose of React and ReactDOM
Functional Components
  • What are Components?
  • Create Element and JSX
  • Benefits of JSX
      • Fragments
      • JavaScript Arrow Functions
      • ES2015 Modules
      • JSX and Expressions
      • Displaying Collections of Data
      • JavaScript Array Maps and React Keys
      • Passing Data with Props
      • Validating Props with PropTypes
      • Default Props
      • Using Memo
Class-Based Components
  • JavaScript Classes and Extends
  • Configuring State
  • Lifecycle Methods
  • Google Performance Tool
  • Context of Event Handlers
  • Class Properties and Class Arrow Functions
  • PropTypes and Default Props on Classes
  • Overview of Hooks
  • State Hook
  • Effect Hook
  • Ref Hook
  • Callback Hook
Advanced Components
  • Composition Inheritance
  • Patterns: Specialization, Containment, and Higher Order Components
  • Lifting State Up
  • Forwarding Refs
  • Context
  • Managing Application State
  • Three Principles of Redux
  • Pure Functions
  • Reducer Functions
  • Composing Reducer Functions
  • Dispatching Actions
  • Action Creators
Connect React to Redux
  • Connect React to Redux with React-Redux
  • React-Redux Higher Order Components
  • React-Redux Hooks
  • Using State Selectors
  • Optimizing State Selectors
 Connect React to ASP.NET Core REST API
  • JavaScript Review: Callbacks, Promises & Async/Await
  • Using the Fetch API with NET Core REST API
  • Asynchronous Operations and React/Redux using Saga
  • JavaScript Generators
  • Sagas Helpers
  • Declarative Effects
  • Error Handling
  • Connecting to Redux
Unit Testing
  • Using Jest
  • Organizing Tests and Test Suites
  • Setup and Teardown of Tests
  • Performing Assertions with Expect
  • Using Spies
  • Snapshot Testing
  • DOM Testing
  • Shallow Testing
  • Generating Code Coverage Reports
  • React Unit Testing
  • Redux Unit Testing
React Router
  • What is routing?
  • URL as State
  • React Router Hooks
  • Configuring Routes
  • Page Pattern
  • Error Page
      • Redirects
      • Animated Transitions
      • Nested Routes
Advanced Forms
  • What is Formik?
  • Challenges with React and Forms
  • Formik Higher Order Components
  • Formik Hooks
  • Form-Level Validation
  • Field-Level Validation
  • Synchronous and Asynchronous Validation
  • Form Submission
  • Form Submission Phases
  • Introduction
  • NET Core Identity
  • Cookie Middleware
  • Authorization
      • Claims-Based Authorization
      • React Login Form
      • Login Error Handling
      • Integrating Authorization with Routing

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