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Container Management with Docker Training

About the Training

The “Docker Container Management” training aims to provide comprehensive knowledge on container management using Docker technology. Docker is a platform that facilitates the independent operation and deployment of applications and services for developers and system administrators. This training covers the fundamental components, functions, and usage of Docker. Additionally, it addresses important topics such as creating, managing, deploying, and backing up containers on Docker. This equips participants with the ability to use Docker efficiently and to build scalable applications.

The training also delves into topics such as the security, performance, and configuration of Docker containers. Participants will have the opportunity to understand and learn how to utilize Docker’s features, such as networking and storage. They will also gain knowledge about other tools and technologies that are used alongside Docker to extend its functionality.

The course is supported by comprehensive theoretical knowledge about Docker’s operation and usage, as well as practical exercises. This approach helps participants understand how to use Docker in real-world scenarios and apply the solutions offered by Docker. The training uses practical examples and applications to demonstrate Docker’s various features and tools. This enables participants to apply Docker technologies and methodologies to real-world situations, ensuring they understand the material and can apply Docker’s solutions to their own needs.

In conclusion, the “Docker Container Management” training provides participants with an in-depth understanding of the capabilities and benefits of Docker technology. This helps them effectively use Docker in their own projects and work. Therefore, this training is highly valuable for developers and system administrators who wish to acquire knowledge and skills related to Docker. With this training, participants can fully explore the solutions and advantages offered by Docker and apply modern software deployment and management techniques using Docker efficiently.


What Will You Learn?

In the Docker Container Management training, you will learn the following:
  • Basic Information about Docker: Understand what Docker is, how it works, and its advantages.
  • Container Management: Learn how to create, use, start, stop, restart, and delete containers using Docker.
  • Dockerfile: Learn how to transform your application into a Docker container.
  • Docker Compose: Discover how to manage and deploy multiple containers simultaneously.
  • Docker Swarm: Learn how to manage and deploy multiple nodes using Docker Swarm.
  • Container Security: Gain knowledge on how to secure containers.
  • Network and Storage Configuration: Learn how to configure Docker’s networking and storage features.
  • Application Deployment: Understand how to deploy applications using Docker.
  • Practical Applications: The training is supported by practical exercises on using Docker, in addition to theoretical knowledge.
After completing this training, you will have proficient knowledge of container management using Docker and will be able to deploy your applications more efficiently and securely.


The prerequisites for the Docker Container Management training may include:
  • Operating System Knowledge: Understanding of the operating system required for running Docker.
  • Programming Languages: While not mandatory, basic knowledge of programming languages can be beneficial.
  • Command Line: Familiarity with the command line can be useful for working with Docker.
  • Virtualization: Basic knowledge of virtualization can be advantageous.
These prerequisites can help participants get the most out of the training, but they are not strictly necessary for understanding the course. All required information will be provided during the training.

Who Should Attend?

The Docker Container Management training is suitable for the following professional groups:
  • DevOps Engineers: Ideal for DevOps engineers who want to become proficient in container management using Docker.
  • System Administrators: System administrators may benefit from learning how to deploy applications using Docker.
  • Developers: This training is beneficial for developers who want to transform their applications into Docker containers.
  • IT Professionals: Suitable for IT professionals looking to gain a general understanding of Docker’s usage.
This training is open to anyone interested in gaining more detailed knowledge of container management. The course is designed to help participants understand the material better through practical exercises in addition to theoretical knowledge.


  • What is Docker?
  • Use cases
  • Major components of Docker
  • Docker architecture
  • Underlying technology
  • Installation of Docker
  • Installation on Ubuntu and Windows
  • Using Docker Machine for host provisioning
  • Docker Machine drivers for cloud providers
  • Container life cycle
  • Creating and running containers
  • Stopping and restarting
  • Investigating a container
  • Viewing the logs
  • Looking at processes
  • Removing a container and its data
  • Dockerizing applications
  • The hello world example
  • Interactive Bash container
  • Building an image by committing changes
  • Building an image from a Dockerfile
  • Automated builds based on GitHub
  • Running more than one process in a container
  • gosu helper tool
  • Running a webapp in a single container
  • Running a webapp in micro services architecture
  • Managing images
  • Finding and downloading existing images
  • Docker Hub and local repository
  • Sharing images with others
  • Deploying a private image repository
  • Networking of containers
  • Port mapping
  • Container linking and naming
  • Creating and managing custom networks
  • Network over many Docker hosts (overlay)
  •  Data in containers
  • Data volumes
  • Host directories and files as data volume
  • Data volume containers
  • Data volumes shared between Docker Hosts
  • Backup and restore of data volumes
  • Docker Compose
  • Overview of Docker Compose
  • Running multi-container applications by using one command
  • Defining services, networks, volumes and variables
  • Setting up runtime constraints on resources
  • Docker Swarm
  • Introduction to native Docker clustering
  • Discovery services
  • Docker Swarm strategies and filters

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