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Certified Encryption Specialist (ECES) Training

Siber Güvenlik Eğitimleri Certified Cybersecurity Technician (C|CT) Eğitimi

About the Training

The Certified Encryption Specialist (ECES) training is a comprehensive program designed for professionals who seek in-depth knowledge and skills in encryption technologies and applications, which are vital in the face of increasing data breaches and cyberattacks. This training provides detailed knowledge and practical exercises on modern encryption methods, algorithms, protocols, and tools used to ensure the security of personal and corporate data.

In the Fundamentals of Encryption section, participants delve into the basic concepts of encryption. Encryption is the art of transforming data using mathematical operations to prevent it from being read or altered. This section focuses on topics such as symmetric encryption, asymmetric encryption, key management, and digital signatures. Additionally, the history of encryption and the fundamental principles of cryptography are covered.

The Encryption Protocols and Standards section provides knowledge about common encryption protocols such as SSL/TLS, IPsec, and PGP, as well as industry standards like AES and RSA. These protocols and standards are used by organizations worldwide to secure data transmission and storage.

In the Encryption Tools and Applications section, participants receive hands-on training with various encryption tools. Through practical applications, participants gain experience with encryption software and key management systems that they can use in their daily tasks.

The Encryption Security and Threats section addresses the vulnerabilities of encryption systems and how they can be protected against attacks. Topics such as cryptanalysis, side-channel attacks, and more are covered, equipping participants with the necessary skills to recognize potential threats and develop defense strategies.

The Certified Encryption Specialist (ECES) training offers detailed encryption education to help individuals and organizations address cybersecurity challenges and enables participants to make a significant impact in their careers. With the ECES certification, participants have the opportunity to demonstrate their expertise and skills in encryption to employers and the industry. These skills become valuable assets as they advance in their careers, providing a competitive advantage in the field of cybersecurity.

What Will You Learn?

During the Certified Encryption Specialist (E|CES) training, you will learn the following topics:
  • Encryption Fundamentals: You will gain knowledge of encryption concepts, basic encryption algorithms, and the fundamentals of cryptography. This includes working with core encryption concepts such as symmetric and asymmetric encryption, key management, and digital signatures.
  • Encryption Protocols and Standards: You will learn about various encryption protocols and standards. The course covers protocols like SSL/TLS (Secure Socket Layer/Transport Layer Security), IPsec (Internet Protocol Security), PGP (Pretty Good Privacy), as well as encryption standards such as AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) and RSA (Rivest-Shamir-Adleman), allowing you to understand current encryption methods.
  • Application and System Encryption: You will learn encryption techniques at the application and system levels. This includes methods for disk encryption, file encryption, and communication encryption, helping you develop practical skills. The course also covers key management and security aspects.
  • Encryption Tools and Applications: You will explore tools and applications used for encryption. By working with encryption software, key management systems, and secure communication tools, you will enhance your encryption skills.
  • Encryption Security and Threats: You will learn about encryption security and potential attacks and threats against encryption systems. Topics include cryptanalysis techniques, side-channel attacks, and key management security, providing you with the knowledge needed to implement security measures to protect encryption systems.
The ECES training helps you develop your knowledge and skills in encryption technologies and applications. You will become proficient in understanding and applying encryption methods for secure data transmission, storage, and communication. This training strengthens your capabilities in encryption, enabling you to protect sensitive data and ensure privacy effectively.


There are no specific prerequisites for participating in the Certified Encryption Specialist (ECES) training. Anyone interested in encryption technologies and applications, and who wishes to develop their knowledge and skills, can attend the ECES training. However, the following foundational knowledge and experience can help you maximize the benefits of the ECES training:
  • Basic Computer Knowledge: Having a fundamental understanding of computer systems, operating systems, and networks will be beneficial.
  • Cryptography Fundamentals: Familiarity with cryptography concepts, encryption algorithms, and key management principles will help you grasp the course material more effectively.
  • Networking and Security Basics: Understanding the principles of network protocols and basic security controls will enhance your comprehension of the training.
These foundational knowledge and experiences can provide you with an advantage before starting the ECES training, but they are not mandatory. It’s important to check the specific prerequisites set by the training provider, as requirements may vary between organizations. Ensuring that you meet the prerequisites established by the training provider is recommended.

Who Should Attend?

The Certified Encryption Specialist (ECES) training may be suitable for the following professional groups:
  • Information Security Specialists: Professionals working in the field of information security can attend the ECES training to enhance their knowledge and skills in encryption technologies and applications. These specialists typically work in companies or consulting firms focused on information security.
  • System and Network Administrators: System and network administrators, responsible for protecting organizational data and information, can benefit from the ECES training. It equips them with the skills to understand and apply encryption methods for secure data transmission and storage.
  • Application Developers: Developers interested in incorporating encryption techniques into secure software and application development processes can find value in the ECES training. It provides the necessary knowledge and skills to understand and implement encryption methods at the application level.
  • Professionals in Data Security and Related Fields: Those working in data security, compliance, risk management, and related areas can enhance their encryption knowledge and skills through the ECES training. This includes data security experts across various sectors such as finance, healthcare, and law.
  • Security Consultants and Auditors: Security consultants and auditors seeking to guide their clients on encryption technologies and practices, or perform audits, can benefit from the ECES training. It is aimed at professionals looking to increase their competence in encryption during consulting and auditing processes.
These groups represent examples of professionals who might benefit from the ECES training. However, anyone with interest and motivation in encryption technologies and applications can participate in the training to develop their knowledge and skills.


Module 01: Introduction and History of Cryptography
  • What is Cryptography?
  • History of Cryptography
  • Mono-Alphabet Substitution
    • Caesar Cipher
    • Atbash Cipher
    • Affine Cipher
    • ROT13 Cipher
    • Scytale
    • Single Substitution Weaknesses
  • Multi-Alphabet Substitution
    • Cipher Disk
    • Vigenère Cipher
      • Vigenère Cipher: Example
      • Breaking the Vigenère Cipher
    • Playfair Cipher
    • ADFGVX Cipher
  • Homophonic Substitution
  • Null Ciphers
  • Book Ciphers
  • Rail Fence Ciphers
  • The Enigma Machine
  • CrypTool
Module 02: Symmetric Cryptography & Hashes
  • Symmetric Cryptography
  • Information Theory
    • Information Theory Cryptography Concepts
  • Kerckhoffs’s Principle
  • Substitution
  • Transposition
  • Binary Math
    • Binary AND
    • Binary OR
    • Binary XOR
  • Block Cipher vs. Stream Cipher
  • Symmetric Block Cipher Algorithms
    • Basic Facts of the Feistel Function
      • The Feistel Function
      • Unbalanced Feistel Cipher
    • Data Encryption Standard (DES)
    • 3DES
      • DESx
      • Whitening
    • Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)
      • AES General Overview
      • AES Specifics
    • Blowfish
    • Serpent
    • Twofish
    • Skipjack
    • International Data Encryption Algorithm (IDEA)
    • CAST
    • Tiny Encryption Algorithm (TEA)
    • SHARK
  • Symmetric Algorithm Methods
    • Electronic Codebook (ECB)
    • Cipher-Block Chaining (CBC)
    • Propagating Cipher-Block Chaining (PCBC)
    • Cipher Feedback (CFB)
    • Output Feedback (OFB)
    • Counter (CTR)
    • Initialization Vector (IV)
  • Symmetric Stream Ciphers
    • Example of Symmetric Stream Ciphers: RC4
    • Example of Symmetric Stream Ciphers: FISH
    • Example of Symmetric Stream Ciphers: PIKE
  • Hash Function
    • Hash – Salt
    • MD5
      • The MD5 Algorithm
    • MD6
    • Secure Hash Algorithm (SHA)
    • FORK-256
    • RIPEMD-160
    • GOST
    • Tiger
    • MAC and HMAC
  • CryptoBench
Module 03: Number Theory and Asymmetric Cryptography
  • Asymmetric Encryption
  • Basic Number Facts
    • Prime Numbers
    • Co-Prime Numbers
    • Euler’s Totient
    • Modulus Operator
    • Fibonacci Numbers
  • Birthday Theorem
    • Birthday Paradox
      • Birthday Paradox: Probability
    • Birthday Attack
  • Random Number Generator
    • Classification of Random Number Generator
    • Traits of a Good PRNG
    • Naor-Reingold and Mersenne Twister Pseudorandom Function
    • Linear Congruential Generator
    • Lehmer Random Number Generator
    • Lagged Fibonacci Generator (LFG)
    • Blum Blum Shub
    • Yarrow
    • Fortuna
  • Diffie-Hellman
  • Rivest Shamir Adleman (RSA)
    • RSA – How it Works
    • RSA Example
  • Menezes–Qu–Vanstone
  • Digital Signature Algorithm
    • Signing with DSA
  • Elliptic Curve
    • Elliptic Curve Variations
  • Elgamal
  • CrypTool
Module 04:Applications of Cryptography
  • FIPS Standards
  • Digital Signatures
  • What is a Digital Certificate?
    • Digital Certificates
      • 509
      • 509 Certificates
      • 509 Certificate Content
      • 509 Certificate File Extensions
    • Certificate Authority (CA)
      • Certificate Authority – Verisign
    • Registration Authority (RA)
    • Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
    • Digital Certificate Terminology
    • Server-based Certificate Validation Protocol
    • Digital Certificate Management
    • Trust Models
    • Certificates and Web Servers
    • Microsoft Certificate Services
    • Windows Certificates: certmgr.msc
    • Authentication
      • Password Authentication Protocol (PAP)
      • Shiva Password Authentication Protocol (S-PAP)
      • Challenge-Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)
      • Kerberos
        • Components of Kerberos System
        • Kerberos Authentication Process
      • Pretty Good Privacy (PGP)
        • PGP Certificates
      • Wi-Fi Encryption
        • Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP)
        • WPA – Wi-Fi Protected Access
        • WPA2
      • SSL
      • TLS
      • Virtual Private Network (VPN)
        • Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP)
          • PPTP VPN
        • Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol VPN
        • Internet Protocol Security VPN
        • SSL/TLS VPN
      • Encrypting Files
        • Backing up the EFS key
        • Restoring the EFS Key
      • BitLocker
        • BitLocker: Screenshot
      • Disk Encryption Software: VeraCrypt
      • Common Cryptography Mistakes
      • Steganography
        • Steganography Terms
        • Historical Steganography
        • Steganography Details
        • Other Forms of Steganography
        • How to Embed?
        • Steganographic File Systems
        • Steganography Implementations
        • Demonstration
      • Steganalysis
        • Steganalysis – Raw Quick Pair
        • Steganalysis – Chi-Square Analysis
        • Steganalysis – Audio Steganalysis
      • Steganography Detection Tools
      • National Security Agency and Cryptography
        • NSA Suite A Encryption Algorithms
        • NSA Suite B Encryption Algorithms
        • National Security Agency: Type 1 Algorithms
        • National Security Agency: Type 2 Algorithms
        • National Security Agency: Type 3 Algorithms
        • National Security Agency: Type 4 Algorithms
      • Unbreakable Encryption
Module 05:Cryptanalysis
  • Breaking Ciphers
  • Cryptanalysis
  • Frequency Analysis
  • Kasiski
  • Cracking Modern Cryptography
    • Cracking Modern Cryptography: Chosen Plaintext Attack
    • Cracking Modern Cryptography: Ciphertext-only and Related-key Attack
  • Linear Cryptanalysis
  • Differential Cryptanalysis
  • Integral Cryptanalysis
  • Cryptanalysis Resources
  • Cryptanalysis Success
  • Rainbow Tables
  • Password Cracking
  • Tools

Training Request Form

Siber Güvenlik Eğitimleri Certified Cybersecurity Technician (C|CT) Eğitimi

Encryption Training

Encryption Training focuses on ensuring the security of data and communications through encryption methods and techniques. This training provides knowledge and skills essential for protecting

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