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Android Application Testing Training

About the Training

Android Application Testing Training focuses on critical testing processes aimed at maximizing the quality and performance of Android applications.

In the section on test strategies and planning, the training provides participants with in-depth knowledge on creating comprehensive test strategies to verify various features and functionalities of applications. Additionally, this stage covers the identification of test objectives and priorities, risk analysis, preparation of test scenarios, and test data. The course also addresses the effective use of planning tools to ensure that test planning aligns with the project’s timeline and resources.

In the emulator and device testing section, participants learn the fundamental principles of working with emulators and the advantages of testing on real devices. The course focuses on optimizing applications for different devices, screen sizes, and system versions. Understanding the differences between emulators and devices and choosing the correct test environment are also emphasized.

The automated testing section highlights the use of automation tools to accelerate and optimize repetitive and time-consuming testing processes. Practical knowledge of popular Android test automation tools such as Espresso, Robot Framework, and Appium is provided. Additionally, the impact of test automation on application quality and its integration with continuous integration processes are discussed.

Performance testing involves evaluating how applications perform in terms of speed, responsiveness, and resource usage. Participants learn to analyze metrics such as CPU and memory usage, network performance, and application response times. Techniques for optimizing performance issues are also covered.

Security testing focuses on how to conduct tests to identify security vulnerabilities in applications. The course provides information on security standards such as OWASP Mobile Top 10 and best practices. Training also includes tools for automatically detecting security vulnerabilities and manual testing techniques.

The Android Application Testing Training program offers a comprehensive perspective on the critical testing phases of the Android application development process. It aims to equip participants with the skills and knowledge required to enhance the quality, security, and user satisfaction of applications.

What Will You Learn?

  • Android application testing strategies and planning: The training covers Android application testing strategies and planning. Additionally, it provides information on creating test scenarios and integrating the application into the testing process. Emulator and device testing: The training explains the methods and techniques for testing Android applications on emulators and devices. Automated testing: Information is provided on automating Android application tests, including the use of automated testing tools and the advantages of test automation. Performance testing: The training covers how to test and optimize the performance of Android applications, including identifying and resolving issues such as application slowdowns. Security testing: The training addresses how to test the security of Android applications, including identifying and resolving security vulnerabilities within applications. This training is designed to equip participants with the skills necessary to correctly implement the Android application testing process.


  • Android programming knowledge: It is essential to have Android programming skills to test Android applications.
  • Java programming knowledge: Understanding and using the Java programming language is necessary for testing Android applications.
  • Knowledge of testing methods and techniques: Familiarity with testing methods, techniques, and tools is required.
  • Operating system and IDE knowledge: The training will involve working with an IDE like Android Studio. Therefore, proficiency in using the operating system and the IDE is necessary.
  • These prerequisites will help ensure the effectiveness of the Android Application Testing Training. If you want to enhance your Java and Android programming skills before meeting these prerequisites, you may consider taking the Java Fundamentals for Android Development Training or the Kotlin for Android Mobile Application Development Training.

Who Should Attend?

  • Android Application Developers: Android application developers may want to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to effectively test their applications.
  • Test Engineers: Test engineers who possess the skills required to test Android applications may find this training beneficial.
  • IT Professionals: Professionals working in the IT sector may want to better understand Android application testing processes and make these processes more efficient.
  • Apprentices and University Students: Apprentices and university students who want to enhance their Android programming and testing skills may find this training useful.
To get the best results from participating in the Android Application Testing Training, it is recommended to have a solid understanding of Android programming and the Java programming language.


Introduction of Testing 
  • Software bugs
  • What to test
  • Types of tests
  • Testing framework
Testing on Android 
  • Junit
  • Android architecture
  • Creating the Android Sample project
  • Package explorer
  • Running the project
  • Debugging tests
Introduction to Mobile Automation 
  • Basic Terminology : Testing, Types of Testing, Manual/Automation
  • What is Mobile Automation Testing
  • Mobile Application Testing Tools
  • Introduction to Appium
  • Where Appium can be used
  • Hybrid Apps, Native Apps and WebApps
  • UIAutomator
  • Appium VS Selendroid
  • Drawbacks and Limitations
Appium Setup & Configurations 
  • Configuring appium on real device
  • Why work on real device?
  • Download and Configure Android on local machine
  • Api levels &Android version
  • supported API levels &Android versions
  • API level for Android
  • Android version in Phone
  • Developer mode in Mobiles
  • Debug level settings in Phone
  • Connecting & phones
  • Install Microsoft Dot Net framework
  • Download Appium
  • Configuring Various versioning API level requirements for Appium
  • Starting Appium Server from Console
  • Running Appium Program
  • Installing Emulator in eclips
  • Installing apps in Emulator via command prompt
Hybrid/Native Android Apps Test 
  • Required Capabilities for Appium and Android
  • Concept of Apk file, AppActivityName and AppPackage
  • How to get Apk file, AppActivityName and AppPackage for any application
  • When Apk file necessary to test App?
  • AppiumDriver and RemoteWebDriver classes
  • Programme on invoking Apps
  • Invoking app with package activity
  • Example on package name and activity invoking
  • Mobile Gesture Automation
  • Testing native Apps like calculator, Contacts, Settings
Locating Elements 
  • Concept of UI Automator
  • FindElement and FindElementByAndroidUIAutomator
  • Using UISelector Class in UIAutomator API
  • Finding by Classname
  • Detecting presence of Elements
  • Building Xpaths
  • Challenges faced in finding Elements and Workarounds
  • Using Android UI Automator’sUISelector() and its functions
  • Waiting – Implicit and explicit waits
Testing WebApps 
  • Chrome browser configuration
  • Using ADB Plugin
  • Automating the chrome Browser
  • Automating mobile specific websites
  • Exercise on real device browser automation
  • Automating Udemy site in mobile browser
Mobile Testing Framework 
  • Testng Framework
  • Testng installation in eclips
  • Testng Annotations
  • Maven Configuration
  • Creating Basic Maven project
  • Running appium test in Maven
Data Driven Testing
  • Configuring Apache poi
  • Excel Api methods
  • Programme for retrieving data from excel
  • Programme for Updating data back to excel

Training Request Form

Android Training

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