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Introduction to .NET Fundamentals Training

About the Training

.NET Fundamentals Training offers a comprehensive introduction to the .NET platform. This training covers fundamental .NET topics and the entry-level skills required for software development with .NET.

The course teaches the core features of .NET, including software design, performance optimization, security, and other key concepts. Participants enhance their knowledge of .NET through real-world examples and projects.

The training also covers how to use the tools and technologies involved in designing and developing .NET-based software solutions. Participants learn how to manage core aspects such as data processing, real-time analysis, software design, and security. Additionally, they gain an understanding of how to design and manage software solutions with .NET.

.NET Fundamentals Training encompasses all the essential aspects of developing .NET-based software solutions. Participants acquire the fundamental skills necessary before they start developing effective software solutions.

The program begins with the basics of .NET topics. Participants learn key concepts such as software design, performance optimization, and security. They also gain insight into their role in designing and managing .NET-based software solutions. This knowledge forms the building blocks they need for the software development process.

The training focuses on .NET and its related core features and components. It equips participants with fundamental skills such as real-time data processing, software design, and security. The course covers essential topics like software design and management.

Finally, we provide information on how to develop a software solution using .NET. This process includes designing the solution, performing tests, and ultimately developing the software solution based on .NET

What Will You Learn?

  • – The history and evolution of the .NET platform – Differences between .NET Framework and .NET Core – Fundamental concepts of the C# programming language – Optimizing security and performance provided by .NET – Using the .NET Framework in the application development process – Leveraging .NET libraries – Database connectivity and data access – Using important .NET technologies such as ASP.NET and WPF – Web services and REST APIs – Test-driven development and debugging techniques
  • The topics covered in this training will help developers enhance their skills in creating secure and effective applications using the .NET platform.


  • General Understanding of Programming Languages: You will be using the C# language during the training, so having a general understanding of programming languages could be beneficial.
  • Operating System Knowledge: The training will take place on the Windows operating system, so having skills in using this system could be helpful.
  • Development Environment: In the .NET Fundamentals training, you will use a development environment such as Visual Studio, so familiarity with this environment could be advantageous.
  • However, although the specified prerequisites are not mandatory, participants’ levels of experience may vary. The prerequisites set by the training institution or instructor apply.

Who Should Attend?

  • Developers interested in beginner-level .NET and C#: This training is suitable for those new to .NET and C# who want to build a foundational understanding.
  •  Developers aiming to develop web and desktop applications: The course is ideal for developers who want to focus on creating both web and desktop applications using .NET.
  • Developers seeking to understand technologies used alongside .NET: This training is beneficial for developers who wish to learn about other technologies commonly used with .NET.
  • Developers wanting to learn how to use the .NET Framework in the application development process: The course will help developers understand how to effectively utilize the .NET Framework in their projects.
  • Developers looking to gain advanced skills in areas such as database connectivity and data access: Participants aiming to enhance their abilities in these areas will find the training valuable.
  • IT department developers and employees of software companies: The training is also relevant for developers working in IT departments of businesses and employees of software firms.
  • The training is suitable for both beginner developers and more experienced professionals. Participants’ levels of experience may vary, and the prerequisites set by the training institution or instructor apply.


  • A Heritage of Curly Braces
  • Multiple Paradigms: Procedural, Object-oriented, Declarative, Functional
  • Hello World!
Application Structure
  • Review of Object-oriented Concepts
  • Static Classes
  • Classes and Structs
  • Properties and Fields
  • Enumerations
  • Namespaces
Object-Oriented, In-depth
  • Implementation Inheritance
  • Virtual and Sealed
  • Interface Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
Flow Control
  • Evaluating Conditionals
  • Ifs and Thens
  • Switch Statements
  • Collections
  • Loops Loops Loops!
Events and Exceptions
  • Event Motivations
  • Event Patterns
  • Gotchas
  • Event Alternatives
Advanced Topics
  • Encryption
  • Working with Unmanaged Resources
  • Essential Patterns in Modern C#
Web Development with MVC
  • ASP Web Forms Refresher
Introducing ASP MVC
  • Fundamental Pattern: Model-View-Controller
  • MVC and Webforms compared
  • Convention over Configuration
  • Flavors of ActionResult
  • Writing an ActionFilter
  • View Engines and Razor
  • HTML Helpers
  • RESTful resource identification
  • Structuring your application
WCF Fundamentals
  • Introduction to WCF
  • What is a Service
  • Developing services
  • Developing clients
  • REST Services
Database Access
  • What is SQL?
  • Introduction to SQL
    • How does SQL differ based on database vendor?
    • Current SQL ANSI Standards
    • Functionality supported by SQL
Database Concepts
  • Core database terminologies
  • Database design process
  • Overview of Database Normalization
Introduction to SQL Server
  • Setting up SQL Server
  • Selecting installation options
  • Installing a named instance
  • Creating Users
  • Setting up databases and tables
  • Granting remote access
Introducing Entity Framework
  • Impedance Mismatch
  • Relationship to Traditional NET
  • What EF Brings
  • Alternatives to EF
  • History and Motivations
  • Query Syntax Object Syntax
  • Cheatsheet
  • LINQ Backends – Objects, XML, Entities
Bootstrapping Entity Framework
  • Design Patterns
  • Code First and POCOs
  • Mapping Considerations
  • Common Scenarios
Making Your Database Happy
  • Using Stored Procedures
  • Managing Concurrency
  • Joining Transactions
Advanced Entity Framework
  • Loading: Lazy and Eager
  • More patterns: Entities and Aggregates
  • Fine-tuning Queries

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